9 things I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Started to Learn Russian

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I started learning Russian 5 years ago. In this video I talk about what I wish I knew back then.

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Recently I met these two foreign exchange students(they're Russian) at my school and I noticed how they were struggling with english.A lot of kids were making fun of them because of how they pronounced things and the teachers didn't even offer them help either, So here I am learning russian so that I can understand them and help them with english.I just got to say thank you for the tips because I was struggling on how I should start, I appreciate it💜


Having monologues is a great way to practice! It may appear a little weird first but it definitely helps.


I started learning Russian recently, and though I've learned languages before this is really helpful! Спасибо!


As a Russian native I'm learning English and I'm glad I understood all you said in this video. I think all your hints (I will call them hints if you don't mind) are applicable to any language study.


I hate commenting on videos, but I felt called out on basically every tip. So, I started learning Russian language 2 years ago. I think Russia is such a rich country in many ways and thought it would be cool to speak Russian and wanted to learn it.

I spent, say 3 months learning from different resources (first mistake) and starting going over and over again about the same subject, mainly the alphabet and basic vocabulary, beginner level conversation. Which led to a painful state of exhaustion and boredom from the language, it was also a tough time.

It was about July 2021. In 2022 I found an amazing course for Russian by an institute. It gravitated towards grammar and I was extremely excited because I like grammar. I finished the course which would have taught me a lot if I had taken the time to do it properly, I didn't ofc.

Then I got demotivated but still practiced from time to time over the course of the year since I often got sadness from the thought I wasn't learning anymore and was going to lose the small but precious improvement. I didn't forget a lot of vocab and grammar is just there but not functioning.

English is my second language but I don't remember how I learnt it...I just did. Which means I actually didn't have any experience with conscious learning and less with such a different language from Spanish my native language and English.

I'm serious about retaking my journey. It feels awful knowing that I love Russian but don't put any effort on it, also quite guilty for being lazy at a certain time when I could have improved.

As you said, time flies. I only hope it won't pass me by. And at least by the end of this 2023, I can look back and see some advance and not as much regrets.


Как ты говоришь, грамматика важна, но не надо все знать, ты можешь и делать ошибки, но все равно общаться с людьми! Я уже 7 лет учу русский язык и могу без проблем общаться, у меня наверное на говорения В1, но писать не очень могу... Поэтому я решила читать книгу по русский (страницу в день), это может быть не для всех, но для меня очень полезно 😊


I must say that I have a very different experience with Russian speaking people. Except for one girl that was really surprised, even delighted that I spoke Russian, each time I started a conversation in Russian I never even had a question about why I learnt Russian much less a compliment. That really surprised me because I had heard often that it definitely would be the opposite. Not long ago a woman in the street asked for a direction, I quickly realised that she was Russian and could not speak english, I explained the way, discussed for 5 mn with her and she wasn't surprised at all, as though it was totally natural. Same thing 2 months ago in Ukraine, many times. People were way more interested in Spanish or Portuguese. I must confess that I find that a little bit frustrating after putting in so much efforts to learn this beautiful language


As a new Russian speaker ( I know Spanish French and ofc English) I picked up Russian in duolingo to challenge myself In a very different environment. I have really fallen in love with the simple but complex nature Russian has its so fascinating. Я люблю. Definitely very different than English but similar in some ways the alphabet was key to helping me at least read and make sounds correctly.


I was born in Russia but moved to the US when I was still a baby so I didn’t learn any Russian and only know english. However, I really want to learn Russian but am nervous about how long it may take or how difficult it may be. Really appreciated some of the points in this video and kind of calmed me a bit. The point about downloading a vocabulary app and learning a few words a day was something I found really smart and may have to do that. Also really liked the beginning conversation level. Had to take 4 semesters of foreign language in college and opted for Spanish because I knew a small bit and didn’t want to start a new language. Most of my spanish classes were beginner-intermediate so I’m hoping I can learn that much I just don’t know how long it will take


Учу английский чуть больше года. Гугл почему то решил что это видео меня заинтересует.
Видимо эти советы универсальны при изучении любых языков ) Те же проблемы и ощущения.


Me after three days of learning: привет
(hope I continue this)


You're an angel!! I'm in love with your videos and you're helping me a lot! Thank you so much!!


Great video Ari, full of value. I really relate to what you said about how time flies. It's hard to believe that I've passed the 2 year mark! Like You said, 5 years will pass, so I might as well speak good Russian!


Man, thats marvellous. Having heard you speak Russian once I cannot get rid of feeling like you are learning English


Daily practice, focus on what you have to do next not on C1 or C2. You have to learn to get enjoyment out of the daily process just like runners do, just like weightlifters, etc. That doesn't mean it's always going to be fun or pleasurable. Not everything worth doing is fun and most things that are only "fun" have little value. Learn to love the work and at one point you look up, not having realized how much time has passed, and you're easily doing C1 things.


Мне, как русскому человеку, невероятно интересно смотреть это видео и комментарии под ним)


I have not done number 8. I find this tip the most interesting. I will start doing this advice. Большое спасибо!


I really appreciate your advice and guidance. Invaluable.


You are absolutely right...am doing my studies in russia and i have not been there for long...though almost a year now.When i meet some russians or other people who speak russian they think am in my 2nd year or 3rd year....but the truth is my russian is not good enough, i just know the basic conversations so well that they think i speak and understand russian🤣🤣🤣🤣


I guess the monologue part is what I need because I started learning Russian since 2022 around November-December, but once in a while I’m not that optimistic that I might learn fully the language. I know how to read it but, the understanding in a conversation is a little difficult for me to understand. I hope some day I can speak it as fluently as you Ari. 😢😅
