How to Help Your Scared Cat!

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Help! How scared my cat is!

Does a specific event or noise send your usually confident cat running away for safety? Is their response so irrational and extreme that you worry for them? Then this video is for you. These types of responses CAN be approached and in many cases, cats can learn to live with their triggers in a Mojo-fied way!

Products I mentioned in this video

Scaredy Cat

Stress Stopper

Related Videos!

Empower Your Shy or Scared Cats

Treat Training Your Cat


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No wonder Xander freaked out, I’d too if I saw my buddy teleport away


Very happy that you exist Jackson! You help so many people and cats.


The cats mom is so chill….seems like the cat isnt use to all the noises….plus those are so beautiful cats


Nevermind a scardy cat, I wanna learn how to teach my cat to teleport like Suki! 😂😂😂


She really does need to do ASMR, because I was SOOOO relaxed listening to her


I have a scaredy cat as well, same as Xander, he's super affectionate and sweet, but loud noises, me moving too quickly, me walking towards him (!) and he bolts. It makes me so sad. I honestly try to jostle him occasionally and be super kind afterwards, but he's ten years in and not changing. Poor baby.


Makes a lot of sense. I feel like my house is a library sometimes. I talk so quiet and walk quiet and make slow movements constantly. Once anyone with a slightly louder voice or louder presence in general arrives, she's insecure


"Tape recorder" didn't sound wrong until you pointed it out. You're not that much older than I am.


I'm learning about noise and cats thanks to you. My girl reacts most of the the way I expect her to react. One morning however, she slept through an earthquake!


If you look closely, you can see Suki run across the back of the couch -- pay attention to the reflection from the tv! That's how she "teleported" 😁 timestamp: 1:41


Next: How to keep an eye on your teleporting cat. 😊


My new kitten has started to get used to certain noises that initially frightened him. I've found that exposure to these noises helped de-escalate his fear, obviously not to the point of traumatizing him for ones he really doesn't like, but he's begun to relax around my noisy house. (Edit: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 😄💕)


Jackson - thank you from Tasmania. I've always appreciated your advice and recommendations. My beautiful boy died 2 months ago after 17 years of being in my life. Not having a cat around was so painful and I missed him terribly. Two weeks ago I adopted 2 cats - 1 guessed at 5 years, the other 6 months. They have adjusted to each other wonderfully, sleep, eat, wee together. Yes I did say wee together 🙄😁.
After burying my much loved cat in the backyard I'm starting to love again.
The 2 new boys are a delight.
Thank you for helping me ensure my new cats settle in well and happily in their new home.


4:23 desensitization, counter conditioning
5:20 first step: capture the sound
6:40 second step: find his challenge line
7:35 make that sound less mortifying to him
7:46 counter conditioning
11:58 steps list


Found and took in a cat a few weeks ago. Thank you Jackson for your videos. They truly do help me figure out this cat guardianship life


Yesss!!! I just rescued a really scared cat and this is perfect!!!


First one here having a little one that hides away when guests arrive 😂😂


It's weird that the bravest and most daring creatures in existence are so scaredy. Or maybe they are the bravest and most daring because they are scaredy? Beautiful cats she has :)


Happy birthday Jackson! You've helped my family SO much, thanks to you the quality of life of our 3 furbabies (and ours) have greatly improved! Purrs and kisses from Brazil :3


Happy birthday Jackson! I just wanted to say that you have made such a difference to both me and my cat Monty's life.
I knew nothing about cats when I first rescued him last year; I was feeding him dry food, letting him out all night and not playing with him nearly enough. Now he eats a raw food diet, loves his new catio (looking to cat proof the garden when I move out next year!) and goes mad for his 'da bird' toy.
Please never stop advocating for cats online and making your videos, you have no idea how much they help people like me.
