Music Producer File Organization Hacks

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As a music producer, sorting your project files at time can be challenging. With these file organization hacks, you will be able to easily sort every project and beat file as well as make it easier for you to find specific files in the future.

How to create the script (Windows only):
1. Open Notepad
2. Copy and paste this: echo D|xcopy /t /e "C:\Store\2021 (store)\example" "C:\Store\2021 (store)\New beat"
3. Open the folder you want to duplicate. Again, this will only copy the folder structure so you don't have to worry about anything else being copied.
4. If you click the top of the window, where it says (for example if you're on your desktop), This PC | Desktop, it will turn that into your file path. Copy and paste this inside the quotes on the left.
5. Do the same thing for the location you want the script to generate a folder in, and paste the path on the right.
Btw - this can be used for a vareity of purposes, this is only one example!

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Instead of using a script to copy an existing folder structure, you could create these folders, leave them empty forever of course, and just copy and paste them every time you need to. That's how I did it so far.

Thanks for showing your structure. Confirms some of my ideas which will certainly work for me as well.


part 2! much appreciated. Great content!


I name my beats all sorts of stupid shit but they're organized at least 😂


My system is similar however I did spend years just slapping the keys to save "Fjdjjdjjd" "Jsbajjam" ended up with over 1000 projects named like that lol what a mess.