Who was Wiliam Branham?

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Despite what the world thinks, I totally believe the Bible and the message sent from God by his faithful servant. He was a very humble man and did not compromise for any. As he said the message is for believers and not the unbelievers. Some though have formulated their own opinion on the message which is just as bad as believing a false doctrine. I believe if we are truly sincere in our hearts, God is able to guide us along that part as long as we be humble and not try to make anything of ourselves.


My heart got set on fire listening to Bro Branham. Let men say what they want. God sent the evening light just as He Promised. Today William Branham has the Words of Eternal Life. Amen. Today through his ministry I too Posses the Words of Eternal Life. Though i will be misunderstood for saying this. Thats just a part of the package. God Bless


More than 30 years being blessed by receiving the Message of Lord Jesus Christ sent by His humble servant William Branham. "As John the Baptist was sent before first coming of the Lord your Message will for run the second coming of the Lord". As over looked ministry as Jesus and Paul two thousands years ago. But after many many years minority recognized who they were. The history always repeats.


Branham is a true prophet sent by God. The message he delivered is completely aligned with the Bible, the science even confirm some of his declaration. We thank God sending the message, for sending William Marrion Branham. Amen.


The Bride absolutely knows who William Branham was


Very few people followed Noah, very few people followed Jesus Christ when he was here on earth, very few people believed Paul, very few people believed Amos, very few people believed Jeremiah, very few people believed Joshua, very few people believed Elijah, very few people believed Elisha, very few people believed Isaiah, so don't bother, it's history repeating itself, people are free to join Catholic church or Islam


Br. Brahnam did love Our Lord Jesus Christ somuch, and he only lived for Christ and was always pointing the people to Christ and never took credit for he said the credit must go to our Lord Jesus Christ for Him alone is worthy.


I personally believe by the revelation of God that brother Wiliam Marion Brahnam was a true prophet of God of this last age


Only the Bride of Christ will except the Message from the Messenger by Revelation cos the True Church is build on the Revelation of who Jesus is.


Remember, they spat on the Lord...He said they'll do the same thing again! They blind-folded Him, hit Hm and said, 'if you are who you say you are, tell us who hit you'...shall I go on?


There is nobody who listens to the inspired word of God as brought by his prophet who claims they follow a man. Any true son or daughter of God follows the WORD of God who is Jesus Christ. Anyone casting disparity and making false claims should be reminded it is not men you mock with such words, but almighty God. He said that which you have done unto the least of me little ones you have done unto me. His prophets are NOT the least of his little ones.


William Marrion Branham is true prophet and my prophet sent by god


It would be great if you would do a video on Charles Finney.


Voice of God software allows you to search the messages of William Branham and the Bible. Not just the "message"


The photo of the light over Branham's head has a visible obstruction between the crown of his head and the source of the light indicating the the light is some distance from and not directly over his head.


Ive already heard while listening to this brother that there were many things that were wrong. I would not say one word against Brother Branham in any way. Its Blasphemy to do so. I listen to him everyday. I was 2 years old in 1953 when my daddy was completely healed. There is nothing anyone can say to make me turn back.


The most important preacher who has influenced the course of my life is Bro William Branham.
Your presentation of him is at least much much fairer Ethan many others do. However it’s important that no one seeking to serve God sits on the fence. Even the presenter must have a personal position for he stands at at defining junction in Christendom. Anyone is free to reject or accept his teachings.
What I worry about is what people choose to do with his teachings because some of the conduct bring reproach upon this humble and true messenger to this Laodicean age.


we are the branhams of the kingdom may the eternal william marrion branham continue to bless us amen


I was born under this mistry ...baptized under this word and have been groomed under this word and i can surely say not once has the prophet ever contradicted himself in any of hes sermons .... the commnets am reading are just sad but then again eveyone is entitled to hes/her own opinion


He openly proclaimed that in 1977 the world would end, which we now know never happened. GBU
