How I Read Books (UNIQUE METHOD)

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Reading a lot of books is important and all, but we really should be focusing on retaining the information we come across by reading. So today I'm going to show you exactly how I've been reading for the past couple of years. This method will allow you to get a lot more from your reading habit!

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That's a good practice. I use Evernote for that because it's simple and syncs between all my devices so well. It also integrates with a lot of other apps, which is a bonus.

I'm a longtime fan of Audible, too. Note that if you're listening in the car and can't stop to make a note (or don't want to stop the recording, open your note taking app, and dictate a note), you can "add a clip" within the Audible app so you can come back to that spot in the audio when you get to a place where you can make notes.


Nothing can replace the pleasure of reading from actual book.
Although audio books are a better source for pursuing some course


"How I read books"
You don't.


Listening to audiobooks while doing another activity is called multitasking, which is in reality switch-tasking.

It does not save you time. It costs you more time. It also increases mistakes and stress levels.

"When you read a book, the story definitely happens inside your head. When you listen, it seems to happen in a little cloud all around it, like a fuzzy knit cap pulled down over your eyes."

*Robin Sloan*


if you're listening, you aren't reading.


"Reading without taking notes is like reading with one eye." Ivo Andrić, Nobel Prize awarded writter.


isn't it mindless when you listen to audiobooks while doing something else?


I find listening to podcasts is great but I find with audio books its too easy for me to tune out or miss something. Especially consider the point of reading an audio book is to allow you to do other things at the same time which already is splitting my attention. I much rather take my time and read a physical book as I spend enough time on my phone away. It's a nice break away from digital. Generally I will mark off areas of the book that stand out to me and then transcribe those parts of the book to an Evernote document.

The other thing that makes reading powerful is when you implement what you read right away. I find that helps as well.


I think that listening to audiobooks is a really bad idea. You should enjoy those moments of silence that you come across during your daily life, because those are the moments when you come up with new ideas, and they are becoming scarcer everyday in today's society. To label them as moments when you're not doing something of value, when you're not being productive, is to miss the entire point of being human, is to look with disdain at all the introspection needed to grow as a person. You might argue that you can do all of that thinking in defined, premeditated moments, but then I ask: Why not reading in that fashion instead? Reading something is far more enriching than listening to something, because it forces you into a much deeper bond with the concepts presented. Furthermore, if your actually looking into complex topics that may require some time to comprehend, it's more convenient to be able to re-read a page all the times necessary.

So yeah, although I like most of your videos and they've helped me a lot with some issues, I have to disagree with this particular one. But still, I think that some people might found this video as useful as the others, so thanks for sharing true quality content, I'm certain you'll end up being a life changer for somebody :)


I don't agree with this video. When my "mind is wandering, " I don't capture what is being narrated in audio books either, and I don't think most people can.


If you are a trained reader you are faster than any audiobook by default even if you increase the speed of the playback. Average talking speed measured empirically is around 250 wpm that in fact is around the same as the average reading speed for untrained readers. Now if you would actually train reading instead of listening to audiobooks, you could increase your reading speed realistically speaking to 750wpm. Now try *listening*, yeah right it's not reading the same as watching a movie based on a book is not reading, to your audiobook at 300% the normal speed and understand what is being told or just be annoyed by the high pitch you get by doing that. (UNIQUE METHOD) (STUPID) (PRANK GONE WRONG)


But If I prefer to read physical books and write the ideas on my notebook? Will I still be able to retain all the info in the same way?


btw x1.5 speed is not half of the time and x1.75 speed is not a third of the time.

x2.0 is half of the time, and x3.0 is a third of the time. The formula is: (Time it takes to read/time in which you want to read it)=The speed you would have to read it.

we can change the formula also too Times it (takes to read/The speed you choose)=The time it will take you.

If we do 10hours/ x2 speed = 5 hours takes to finish or the half of the time to finish.
if we do 10 hours/1.25 speed = 8 hours or 4/5 of the time to finish.
if we do 10 hours/1.5 speed = 6, 666.. hours or 2/3 of the time to finish.
Apart from that it was a very informative video!.


What I dislike about the audiobook / podcast trend is that people believe it's a substitution for reading. Audiobooks are a great addition to your reading schedule, because they allow you to utilize "found time", whether that be driving, working out, chores, etc.

What audiobooks lack is the requirement to physically set aside time and focus on the material you are learning. Splitting your attention from mindless tasks to audiobooks is great for lightweight material, but totally insufficient for books that require deep concentration. In fact, by taking time to physically read a book, you build your brain's ability to focus, which will ultimately make you more successful in whatever you do. Multitasking is no proper way to comprehend and digest what you study.


I don't know how people read a book while doing something 😅😂
Doesn't make sense to me !


As if you mentioned the Gym as an activity where you aren't using your brain so it's okay to listen to Audiobooks, lol, you clearly aren't passionate about lifting or intensely exercising..


Love to watch your videos. I don't always watch them but I will always come back from time to time. Please keep it up. :)


Wow, From today onward's I will read entire book rather than reading only the summary of that book written by others !
But, if you are hearing audiobooks while you are shopping means you are doing shallow work, but deep work is better than shallow work.


I agree so much with this, using the dead time of the day to actually learn something instead of just blasting music and painting imaginary scenarios in the head. But still when i am working out i want some f-kin death metal or gangster rap, learning about stock fluctuations wont help me get that last rep.


Drinking game: Everytime he says "aHa moment"
