Error sans vs chara #whoisstrongest #sansaus #1vs1

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There is an error in the video I gave chara not adopted which was meant to error forgive me guys


Manipulation goes to error cause he can control souls which should count as manipulating


Bro saved my life pepole tought chara would deafeat evrybody.


Goku fanboys would get so mad seeing "Solos Goku" go to Chara

Chara obliderated all of Undertale. She not only destroyed the universe but erased all the saves and resets and destroyed every timeline along with it. She did what Asriel wanted to do but to an even greater extent. It's confirmed in sans and papyrus house by books and items in sans room that Undertales Universe follows Quantum/Theoretical Physics as well as string theory. Chara essentially erased an infinite number of 4D Universes 💀💀💀💀💀

This honestly isn't surprising considering undertales cosmology has actually been explained in depth, the fact that gaster could even shatter himself across time and Space alone proves that the universe isn't singular but has alternate timelines. Undertales Main Game Cosmology is High Multiversal+ being an infinite web of parralel 4th dimensional Universes

Chara absolutely Destroys Goku 😭

Error erasing the Multiverse is still a way better feat tho bc he basically did what Chara did, but many times over, so yeah, Error bodies 😭


Comp error negs that fodder
Here we go comp error vs chara
Strength: error (righteous error was stated to be able to harm and beat error 404 in battle who tanked the destruction of a reality which contains infinite dimensions and hierarchies the reality was also stated to be transcendent of infinite layered hierarchies and infinite dimensional levels.
Speed: error ( scales higher)
Durability: error (scales to his strength)
Iq/knowledge: error (a genius hacker also far more knowledgeable then his counter part who knows of resets and timelines, ” but but chara is omniscient”-🤓)
Biq: error (. . .)
Exp: error (non debatable)
Range: error (via strings)
Abilities/haxes: error (righteous error abilities and haxes: corruption manipulation, code manipulation, data manipulation, sense manipulation, perception manipulation, unnamable dna, teleportation, string manipulation, mind manipulation, mental manipulation, energy manipulation and projection, heat manipulation, pain manipulation and more.)
Potential/Ap/DC: via his unnamable dna he can harm unnambles and other powerful beings. That can eat the transsvoids which are superior to other realities that scale to low outer. Not only that but the transsvoids contains pataphysics which are beyond metaphysics.) (In the future error will be able to compete against even stronger beings via his dna.)
Weapons: error (. . .)
Overrated: both
Tier/scaling/cosmology: error (already explained this.)
Winner: error ( uncountable layers beyond negative difficulty.)
Also don’t argue with this since alpha tale already contains undertale’s cosmology.


Why everyone says Chara weak bro she could relive forever and she strongest I don't mean she strong than error but extreme diff she won

Tell me why error stronger than Chara ?


Can explain why chara is not goku level


No chara almost low outversal lv that time error multiversal lv but righteous eror high outversal lv and because he stronger than chara
