God Is NOT Taking Away Your Desire for Someone Because . . .

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Within this group, you will get to:

-Answer questions from Mark Ballenger to spark meaningful conversations with like-minded Christian singles who also believe in the principles outlined in Christ-Centered Dating.
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-Fellowship with other Christian singles who also believe in the biblical principles about relationships outlined in the book, Christ-Centered Dating.

Access to 5 Free eBooks (PDF)

Each of these books are sold exclusively on Amazon. But when you purchase Christ-Centered Dating, you get the PDF of each of these books for free.

-The 5 free books included in this offer are:

-The Ultimate Guide to Christian Singleness: This book covers a wide range of common questions Christians singles often have. Why am I still single? Is God calling me to a life of singleness? How can I use this season for God’s glory? Is God punishing me with singleness because of my past sins? How can I find a godly spouse? This book is divided into four sections which cover the common phases of Christian singleness. It has 30 short chapters, each with three reflection questions meant for small group Bible studies or individual use.

-Redeemed Like David: How to Overcome Sexual Temptation: Do you desire to overcome lust, porn, masturbation, and all other forms of sexual temptation? Do you value the power of God’s Word? Redeemed Like David offers a Christ-centered, Bible-based blueprint for overcoming all forms of sexual sin. Perhaps the most notorious sexual failure in the whole Bible was King David’s affair with Bathsheba. And yet, even with this massive sexual blemish in David’s past, God still called King David “a man after my own heart” (Acts 13:22). How can this be? The key to understanding David’s redemption is Psalm 51. In Redeemed Like David you will find that Psalm 51 is a roadmap on how to break free from the addictive sexual sins that have consistently plagued you.

-10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship: In this concise mini-eBook, I share with you 10 powerful tips to help you succeed in Christian dating. These 10 tips build on each other, taking you from the pre-dating season right up to the point of engagement. We systematically discuss the practical and spiritual steps in the meeting, dating, and marrying process. If you are looking for a quick crash course into Christian dating, this book will not disappoint.

-Never Quit: 5 Dynamic Prayer Lessons from Luke 18:1-8: Jesus knows what we’ve been through and he knows what’s ahead. He knows how easy it will be for us to give up. And so, in kindness, he offers us a way out; or perhaps to say it a better way, he offers us a way through. He teaches us how to never quit. In a short but powerful parable found in Luke 18:1-8, Jesus uses the persistence of a desperate widow to open our minds to the awesome love and sovereignty of God. And when we embrace these two core truths about God, it changes everything, especially our prayer life.

-Basic Transformation: A Bible Study on Christian Transformation: Each of the 8 chapters in this book takes a foundational Christian truth and applies it to the area of transformation. God tells us all to come as we are, but he always intends to change us once we do finally come to him. This is a great Bible study if you are looking to reflect on the foundations of Christianity with a fresh focus aimed on application and transformation.

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Most people don’t understand when you pray for God’s protection if God sees red flags in a person you wanna be with. He’s gonna stop you from going any further cause God sees how that person is when you don’t see how they are when you’re not around them. People can ignore red flags warning signs God is giving them but they’ll end up hurt saying God I should’ve listened to you. I been there do that plenty of time in my past.


God be speaking to many people at once😩🙏🙌


Yes. Someone has been on my mind and can’t get him off my mind. I truly believe and have faith that God will let it happen if it’s His perfect will for my life! He is fully in tune with the Holt Spirit and follows Him. I believe that God will open doors if it’s meant to be!


#2 definitely applies to me bc when things seem to be stalled, I get upset & I’m like “nevermind I guess he doesn’t like me” but lately God has been telling me to calm down. He’s been showing me that I need to realize that it’s gonna be ok & not catastrophize bc it’s not going as fast as I want it to. I know I tend to do that as a way to protect myself & my heart so I won’t get too far in only to get disappointed.


My husband was abusive to me. I left him in November last year. Really felt God helped me to leave, I couldn’t have done it without him. It was so hard to leave and it’s even harder to stay away. I feel this is what God wants. Maybe because my husband became an idol and hurt my walk with God. I was angry and bitter a lot because of bad treatment. Since leaving I feel better in every way, not stressed, sick or tired for no reason. My health, body and mind approved. God even gave me the job I prayed for, it’s perfect. Made for me. All signs I’m on the right path. A far cry from where I was last year.. on the verge of having yet another mental breakdown 🤕 I pray this for someone else going through similar. Even if married. Marriage supposed to serve Good but can’t of one partner becomes toxic and wants everything their way all the time. God is the best ❤


this is very interesting but i feel like i’ve accepted this and have moved on mentally (not quite emotionally some days more than others lol). From what God showed me, he was a true man of God but was in need of growing still at the time (as well as i). It was all based off his actions, how well he carried himself, treated and communicated with me, and how he treated others. It’s been months though since we have spoken to one another and he graduates from our university in a few short months and no foundation has been formed. It’s hard that God allowed me to see a piece of a sincere man of God for it just to go nowhere but still His ways are far greater than mine. Sometimes they are a Godly person but they’re just not who God has for you.


I love how you broke this down. Your simply saying theses attachments are SOUL TIES! That’s why its so hard for a person to let go because they have a tenacious hold of that person. These things can only be broken by fasting and praying


Been on a loop for the past few months and actually getting to know that his plans are greater, that he sees the whole picture... I pray God makes me whole and happy and the women he wants me to be ... It's been hard to daily let go but also I've been blessed by his presence. Blessings to you ✨


It's been 5 years since I've been connected to a narcissistic abuse. A trauma bond that is like a cocaine addiction
Prayers had been my best weapon
I admit there's still moments I think of him, but I thank God for his guidance, peace and protection
I guess he hasn't taken away my desires for him cause he wants me to fully heal and to learn my lessons😊




I’m married but separated. Toxic husband. Amazing at the beginning, a nightmare at the end. I was abused badly. This is the result of ignoring red flags at the beginning and marrying someone you have no business marrying. It’s the worst thing I’ve been through, wouldn’t wish it on anyone. The grief is horrible. The treatment was terrible. I looked sick and aged ten years in two. My family was worried and told me to leave or I’d die. God told me to leave too. I stayed way longer than I should have


I'm saying this "prophetically" just to put it out there. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy...
I'm going to have one of the most fulfilling and edifying relationships of all time, with the one I've prayed for.

We are going to get the most blessed situation between us that's even possible; To the point that
she will even sometimes think it's a dream.

This is just the desire of my heart.. That my Spouse and I completely mesh and meld together perfectly, in every good way.


I so needed this today. I've been struggling with feelings for a person who is clearly not good for me. Bc of this video, I've realized I've attached hopes and dreams to him that should not be. Also, struggled with controlling desires for him that aren't from God. Thank you for this Mark. This video was such a blessing and a bit painful to watch but necessary. God bless.


To master one’s emotions! 🔥What a godly golden counsel at the right season! Than you so much Mark! ❤🙏


This is exactly what I’ve been struggling with and I often get so frustrated with GOD sometimes because I see that person and than I get this trigger and the feeling of anxiety in my body which I can’t explain. This video came on a good time and while I’m currently on a Daniel Fast, I’m going to ask God to give me clarity on why this keeps happening because I’m starting to get really tired of having this feeling and emotion of a certain individual when in have not a clue where it is taken me. 🙏🏾


God has truly given you the gift of insight. You are spot-on to the feelings I've been experiencing with a recent breakup. I need to sort out the things that are hindering my walk with God and focus on healing and progress. Thank you!!


My ex hurt me in ways I never thought a human being could. I don’t hate anyone but she’s as close to that as anyone has gotten. And for some reason, I can’t get over her. The world keeps throwing her back into my face without me seeking her out. I know that she’s living a better life now that I’m gone but for once I wish God would help me in this field. Because this is the one place He seems to actively leave me alone to the devices of the Enemy and of the world. I’ve done everything I can to help myself according to His Will, I don’t see anything getting better any time soon 😓


Simple answer: because that's not the way it works. God doesn't rewrite your brain just because you have the sadz. Your emotions and your feelings are yours to work through, not His.


I have fully detached from this toxic person but i do reflect what i went through with him. And tell myself, never to go back. That is always a reminder everytime.
