12 Ways to Make the MOST Of Every Day (+ find more JOY)

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We can easily find ourselves going through the motions each day and today I'm sharing 12 ways to make the MOST of every day. What would you add to this list?




→ Courtesy of Soundstripe

Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

Meghan Livingstone, CNP
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
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Having a slow morning / making time for "me time" in the morning if I can. For me, this is drinking green tea, with a healthy filling breakfest and mindful eating. Then i may journal and put some calm piano music on whilst i do write as i find it so relaxing. Or I read a book :) p.s. i have 3 frames in my bedroom with quotes and one says 'Tomorrow is a new day' hehe. The others say 'Keep on growing' and 'you are the author of your own story' :)


Our high school motto was “make it a great day or not - the choice is yours”. Always stuck with me! Great video!!


Seeing a sunrise, making my bed, reading a few moments in a good book. Lovely video


I needed this so much thank you!! Everyday is a new day is big for me!


I go to the park every day after work. I need down time and I love to read at the park. I love the sounds of nature. I also light a candle just about every day. Great video.


Thanks so much, Meghan for this amazing list! 💕 Something else that puts me at a better headspace and affects my days positively is if my space is clean, tidy and pretty! ☺️ It helps me better focus on my tasks, do better, feel better, specially at this time of the year, with all the cloudy days, the snow, the freezing rain 🤪🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m over the winter already! 😄


I love all the natural light in your place!!☀️


Thank you so much for making this! I have one month left in a Master’s of Library Science program and the final project on top of work and currently being sick, is stressful or anxiety-provoking, to say the least. I feel like everyday this semester between not feeling well, working two part time jobs and writing a thesis, that the days off are not really my own except for walks outside or an occasional face-mask. I’ve been watching your channel for a long time as well and want to incorporate as much health and wellness into post grad life as much as possible as a soon to be consumer health librarian. Congratulations on your baby. :)


Thank you Meghan! 🥰 I totally agree with your list. What brings me peace and joy to me also is exploring minimalism. Living a simple life.


Been loving your videos lately! Motherhood has added to your joy and wisdom.. thanks for sharing ☺️❤


I hope that your life is happy and full of joy!


Thank you so much for this video Meghan, I really needed to hear this! At the minute, I am doing several things at the time to change my life and really push myself forward in life this year. It's taking me a lot of time behind the screen at home, spending most of my days overthinking in addition to my day job. I totally feel the need for spring to arrive and encourage me to go out more to oxygen my brain and expand my world a bit more. That's why I love this video, you give great tips that are realistically doable right now, so I can stop to procrastinate till spring to feel better 😅🌸


Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. What lovely timing! I have been thinking through this very topic in my own life in the past week. I find it so interesting how things come at the right time, thanks for the video. All the things that you mentioned are such thought provoking to me. Some of them are common sense, however when I stop to think about them they can really be many layers in my own life. As I think and ponder on these I thank you for your time and honest way of talking about what we all forget or overthink (I do these both). And from one mama to another - yes please think on these. I am a mama to five and I am just now paying attention to these.


Love your good energy and great way to see life! Sending love❤


Meghannn! I just love your channel :) your content is meaningful and always just spot on and thoughtful. I appreciate all you do and the resources you add to your videos too like pdfs and such :) just a thankful subscriber!! Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing! :) it’s made such a difference in my own life.


Dear Meghan,
i needed to hear this message from you today. I too often either stress about my todos or resignate and neglect them all. For me it's hard to find a good balance there.

I'm following your channel for a while now. It makes me so happy to see you thriving as a mom. Lot's of love to you all 💕🌈


I would absolutely love if you had a podcast, you are so motivating and gentle, exactly the thing I need throughout the day!!


Getting outside is such a big one for me! Makes a world of difference 😊


i love watching your videos over and over again, this one specially, it's comforting :) thank you!


I totally agree that we have the choice to make a new day and I have always loved that Anne of Green Gables quote. If a little girl that went through all she did can be positive and try to get through things and start fresh, so can we. hehe. I actually think part of why I am a more positive person is because I admired her so much as a child.
Great video!
