12 Ways to Create More Self-Love

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#mentalhealth #stephanielyncoaching #narcissisticabuse #emotionalabuse #selflove

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Рекомендации по теме

1. Practice self awareness.
2. Practice positive self-talk : Listen to positive affirmations to expand your vocabulary.
3. Spending time alone.
4. Listening to your intuition.
5. Practice forgiveness ( self & others).
6. Self unconditional love.
7. Celebration of Self.


Rilke said: "Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final"
Feel theese words deep inside you, every moment...you need nothing else.


Ive always been an empath and a people pleaser. Blessing and curse. Recently i have been involved with a very toxic manipulative person and its been awful. I realised i needed to change my approach to these people and to work on myself its so difficult but i am much more aware now amd im starting to set boundaries and putting myself first and loving myself for once. Its taken me nearly 40 years to realise this! if you loveve yourself know who you are and are comfortable in your skin you'll attract the right people in your life the ones you deserve. Accept yourself first You shouldn't need to have to be accepted by others if they don't they shouldn't be in your life. Life lessons kids should be taught this stuff!
Love your channel beautiful lady xx


Tips to improve self love
1. Practice self awareness: take responsibility for personal feelings
2. Practice positive self talk: listen to affirmation
3. Spending time alone:
4. Physical exercise: take care of yourself
5. Listen to your intuition
6. Practice forgiveness
7. Don't judge yourself: Love yourself unconditionally
8. Celebrate yourself


This is almost three years old. Yet it is right on time for me. God truly works in mysterious ways, and He truly is an on time God.


I love myself so much I am marrying my ownself and getting my own rings!!!! May sound crazy but thats what it is.... 💍💍💍


I died when you talked about forgiveness. For a long time I have held this bitterness against an ex lover, wanting him to ultimately fail. He didnt. He moved on from me and is now happy. I realized that I havent forgiven him for the hurt he caused, nor myself for falling for his crap. But in the midst of it the fear of attaching to another person has also held me back. I decided to forgive both of us for being young and dumb and I feel so much lighter!


I'm only recently learning to love and prioritize myself after ending a narcissistic relationship- journaling, exercising, taking myself out for coffee, being mindful of my thoughts, skincare, investing in good clothes or shoes just for my sake, reconnecting with friends and playing with my dog. Sometimes I just want to reinstate my own thoughts as to why it is so important to do this to heal me. That's when I come to your channel Stephanie, its inspiring how clear your thought process is and I aim to reach that someday. Sending love from India💜


So I only caught 8 bullet point I am working an I missing something . This video is great btw.
Self awareness
Practice self talk
Spend time alone
Take responsibility for your own happiness
Listen to your intuition
Practice forgiveness
Love yourself unconditionally
Celebrate yourself


my birthday is coming up, maybe I'll make myself a cake!


Self aware take control of thoughts check in with urself positive talk yes love affirmation yes for sleep


Self Awarness
Self talk is everthing
Spending time alone


i just realized i'm a codependent with childhood trauma. I enmeshed with a borderline about 4 years ago. I just summoned up the courage 6 weeks ago to go no contact. I blocked all phone, e mail and SM contact. I'm still dwelling on the illusion of what i thought i had but i know over time this too shall pass. i just wanted to write this out so i can read it and accept it. Thank you for all your advice.


You have explained self love in a uncomplicated way. Thanks for sharing.


Forgive to be ready for the future !!!!😃👏🏼🌟


Please keep doing coach sessions it's very helpful we are struggling with self esteem issues☹️😁


1. Practice self awareness to monitor your thoughts and feelings.
Reminder to check in with yourself on feelings.
2. Replace -ve with +ve thoughts by listening to positive self affirmation/talk. Can do +ve affirmation before going to bed.
Supportive thoughts come from yourself whereas negative thoughts come from the wounds and detach from those.
3. Spending time alone. Be happy with yourself now.
4. Listening to intuition.
5. Practice forgiveness for yourself.
6. Love yourself unconditionally..flaws, good stuff.
8. Celebrate and take care yourself. The wins, achievement, goals. To motivate yourself.


This is truly eye opening. Please don't ever stop doing what you do. Again and Again and Again.
-Thank you Always💙


I've recently summoned up the energy to walk away from a narcissistic man that was causing me a lot of emotional distress; whenever we talk about things, not only would he not take a stance from my perspective to see things, but he would also say hurtful things to me in "retaliation" because his ego was affected. Your videos really helped me see the true light. Thank you :)


Self love is the meds ever self care self acceptance self value self worth self respect self help self discipline self challenges self happiness self knowledge self education self control self believe self belief self like self awareness self defense self stand up for myself self qualified self trust self involved self worksachoic self guided self spiritual self understanding self expression self optimist self confidence woman.
