The Spot vs. Error Sans (Underverse)

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I almost have to go, i'll just leave my explanation here in this pinned comment:

To start off lets try to debunk UV Error's famous multiverse feat, first of all he only destroyed papers that contained said universes, those papers had no proof of being universal in durability, they were destroyed by Error's strings which were destroyed by Outer Sans' gaster blasters who we know is vastly weaker than Error Sans, think of it as a box containing iron, the box itself isn't durable, but Error did technically erase some of the universes with his abilities, which qualifies as 4D-5D Hax though. Meaning UV Error is only City Level to possibly Island Level with highball, and 4D-5D Hax.

Now for The Spot, he harmed and even beat Miles and the rest of the Spider-Group, Miles specifically could beat Miguel or Spiderman 2099 who could defeat The Vulture who wielded Hammerspace, Hammerspace is 5D because it was stated to be "An infinite extradimensional storage area." And in physics, extra dimensions are proposed additional space or time dimensions beyond the (3 + 1) typical of observed spacetime.

(The part above is wrong, it's actually Spider-Ham who wields the Hammerspace, my bad. But still Spiderman 2099 outscales pretty much)

Edit: It wasn't The Vulture, it was actually Spider-Ham, meh. They still outscale him lol.

Feel free to give your thoughts on this scale, this wasn't mine by the way, my friend made this lol.


Dude rlly said these " papers " don't contain any universes even tho it was shown when gaster entered the first paper it was an empty one bc it was made for him to create nothing else
As a dedicated underverse fan trust me he'd delete that goofy looking spot guy


I like how whenever people try to debunk errors multiversal feat. The first thing they say is “b-but outer d-destroyed s-stwings🥺🥺🥺” people are aware of what a glass canon is right💀 (if you aren’t. It’s somethings that’s immensely powerful, yet easy to kill. Which would explain how outer destroyed his strings in the first place.)


As someone who knows both about Uv Error and the Spot I can confidently say that the only shot the Spot has is in his black form with the white spots. Even then the Spot's abilities are just portals and since Error's strings can take control of anybody then his strings could do anything that the Spot can do. Plus Error has more versatility.
So basically it comes down to this: The spot having better Defense and having the same Hax as error (They both can hop through universes and both use powers that only they have) and The spot having better Adaptability. While Error has Dc, Attack, better abilities, Better feats, Better Scaling and Better tiering and better Ac and better Destructive Capabilities and better versatility. So Error should win this easily. Mainly due to him being Uv Error which is basically fanon and canon combined but more fanon than canon.


error gets hax because of soul strings but spot would likely still beat underverse error, since underverse error can still sustain damage unlike canon error who changes hp every few seconds, effectively making him unkillable, and UV error could only really spam as much as he can in hopes of hitting the spot, which likely wouldn't do much unless it's a string, so error likely would just end up having to run


For your debunk for error, that should still class as a multiversal feat. You said destroying the paper was like destroying box with metal in it. But if you destroyed the box all the metal would come out (ladies control yourselfs)

The universes still got erased, and never popped out the paper, just completely gone.

And spots only abilities are his portals, to be fair. He has nk strength, or Durability feats as he only uses the portals. Hell he barely gets hit in the film(from my recollection)


I'm certainly sure UV Error is like High-Multiversal-Complex Multiversal (because each Undertale AU has like finite or infinite ammount of timelines wich are as big as a whole universe, being a multiverse composed of multiverses)


" i'm black now spiderman. "


As someone who knows both about Uv Error and the Spot I can confidently say that the only shot the Spot has is in his black form with the white spots. Even then the Spot's abilities are just portals and since Error's strings can take control of anybody then his strings could do anything that the Spot can do. Plus Error has more versatility. (this was copy and pasted i was to lazy)
So basically it comes down to this: The spot having better Defense and having the same Hax as error (They both can hop through universes and both use powers that only they have) and The spot having better Adaptability. While Error has Dc, Attack, better abilities, Better feats, Better Scaling and Better tiering and better Ac and better Destructive Capabilities and better versatility. So Error should win this easily. Mainly due to him being Uv Error which is basically fanon and canon combined but more fanon than canon.


No shot dude let’s just remember that error destroys universes for a living and is named the literal god of destruction


A multiverse traveler against multiverse destroyer should be pretty obvious but you still managed to fail anyway


Error that can destroy any universe he is in loses to some empty spot


So I decides to read alphatale (am currently in a new puppet part 2 : the battle) and shit is crazy, I didn't get to finish the chapter for the battle tho but bill is a fun ass dude, and 404 and j404 are 2 separate people????(someone explain please) omni one shotted BUTTERFLY, didn't know bro that was that op, and butterfly shock all of reality, a crazy chapter and I haven't even finished it
Loading gave 404 a whole ass dragon transformation rage boost


"forgiving who you are for what you stand to gain. just know that if you hide. it doesnt go away."


bro error can destroy EVERY MULTIVERSE BY 1 HIT


Error is the type of guy who shoots himself in the leg


People really need to stop saying that UV Error has Multiversal Striking Strength


Do Devourer of Gods vs the spot next if you can


What's "The spot"? He looks extremely intriguing.


all these comments make me wanna yell my lungs out, FIRST. PEOPLE ARE SAYING "ooooh he destroyed universes" HE DESTROYED PAPER. LITERALLY PAPER THAT CONTAINS UNIVERSES. AND SOME PEOPLE ARE SAYING ERROR COULD CONTROL HIM WITH STRINGS, HE'S BASICLY A WALKING PORTAL, PLUS HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SOUL TO CONTROL. IF ERROR ATTACKS HIM IT'LL PROBABLY JUST GET TELEPORTED BACK TO HIM, PLUS IT SAYS UNDERVERSE ERROR. (no. im not being biased to the spot, im a giant fan of both underverse and across the spiderverse. im just using logic.)
