The Villain Sans Squad - Error VS Underplayer Animation

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Questions & Answers:

Q: What is the quality of this animation? Some scenes are poorly drawn, some are detailed, and some are missing colors altogether.

A: It's called "buying time." I didn't want to showcase a fully detailed animation work, and I didn't put all my potential into it. However, I still tried my best to make some scenes look nice and catch almost the same quality that I would normally achieve.

Q: You told us that the series was cancelled. Does this mean The Villain Sans Squad is back, and you lied to us?

A: No, The Villain Sans Squad is cancelled. However, there are some parts of it that I still wanted to show.

Q: If you wanted to show us some parts of the series, why didn't you continue working on Bad Time Trio VS Murder Time Trio? Will you work on it?

A: That battle is long, and it requires a lot of time and effort. Even if I were to do it with low quality, I would still need to fully focus on it. However, it's not like I never considered it. But you know what they say, "never say never."

Q: It's been a while since your last post. Is this the only thing you've been working on?

A: No, I have been working on other things as well. One of them is a remake of DustTale Stronger Than You. Additionally, I have a life to deal with, as I am a human and not a machine.

Q: Why don't you continue The Villain Sans Squad? Didn't you have fun working on this animation? Why not continue?

A: Making an entire series is way different than animating just one battle, especially if I am doing it alone without any help. Put yourself in my position. It means a lot to me that you guys want more of The Villain Sans Squad, but I prioritize my health over my work.

Q: When does this battle take place?

A: It probably would have taken place while Bad Time Trio & Murder Time Trio were fighting. It could also take place after their battle, but that part hasn't been decided. However, it doesn't matter much anyway.

Q: Is this really all the fight scenes for Error & Player?

A: Of course not. If the song was longer, the fight would have been longer too. If I were to animate this battle the same way I animated Episode 5, there would have been more dialogues and expanded events.

Q: Who won the battle? This is just another cliffhanger, Yamata!

A: I already mentioned the reason why it ends early. However, if you must know who wins the fight in the end, it's Player. I do not feel the need to explain more than that.

Q: No voices? why?

A: Gonna be straight honest with you, I didn't bother.

Q: I heard Neo Metal Sonic voice used as Error at the end of of the animation!

A: You have my respect for knowing who Neo Metal Sonic is. Whoever you are.

Q: Can I take over The Villain Sans Squad?

A: No.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed!


Dang, Underplayer really just said: "FOOL, I HAVE 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW MY MAIN."


Seeing Photoshop Flowey recreated so well and when Asriel came in, just *chef's kiss*


I’m not a fan of how more often than not Error is seen as a joke villain.
So I love how he’s an actual threat here and is actually seems threatening.


That was honestly amazing, I'm happy to see that you're still showing us some parts of the Villain Sans Squad battles. Even tho it's unfinished/cancelled, it will always be one of my fav Undertale fanmade series. I really love your animation, thanks for creating this masterpiece 💙✨✊


I loved how you perfectly displayed how scary error sans really is, a lot of animations lack that aspect of error sans.


I really am happy that you do you own thing just animating what you want. Thought i feel sorry for, being forced to read all this comment saying the series is going to return even thought it obviously won't. Still amazing work and thx for helping the undertale community stay alive.


This was a masterpiece. I always wanted to see an actual battle with Player and Error to showcase both of their powers and this explains them perfectly. It was quite a surprise to see a battle like this all of a sudden but I loved it. Take care because you really deserve all the support you are given. I wish to become as talented as you one day.


Nice to see some of the stuff you've been working on. It was intriguing to see the video the way it is and it looks good. Not everything has to be absolute perfection. Keep up the good work.


i actually loved the "poorly" drawn parts! they looked nice without color!
And i liked the decision for using Neo Metall Sonics voice for Error, it does fit him well
also i always wondered how Canon UT Bosses would fight against AU Characters such as Epic Sans or Shift Chara


One of the last notifications i expected to see. The animation quality has also improved from before, even if some parts dont have full effort in them. Also very unique. Didnt expect omega flowey AND asriel to make an appearance. A very well made fight overall. Also the Neo Metal voice at the end 💀


Dang this was such a surprise but a totally welcomed one! I loved how you had Error reference the last canon-ish interaction between him and Player. Player themself was really on point in their character too. All they ever wanted was to live happily with all the canon Undertale characters, but when they couldn't get a "true" happy ending, they settled for a fake one and guard it with their life. I'm surprised not more fan comics/animations exist with them, as they are a pretty interesting character. A human from the real world that somehow hacked the game to make themselves exist within it, unlike controlling Frisk as a vessel. A lot of interesting things can be done with that! What would VHS Sans think of them? Could they save other timelines and universes from genocide routes like they did briefly in the original comic series, and what would the consequences be of that? Such possibilities, but I digress.

The true excitement I got from this animation, other then seeing Player in a major way, is the use of Flowey and Asriel to fight Error. That was so epic and I had a big dumb smile for the entirety of that bit of the video! Most popular battles that feature Error have him usually fighting other Sans's like Ink, Dream, and/or Nightmare. It's fine but it was amazing seeing how he handled a non-Sans character, and one with such power like Omega Flowey and God of Hyperdeath Asriel. It makes sense that Error would have to know how to take those characters on, more so the beings like Ink, since he regularly goes to different universes and timelines to destroy them, and there a more characters to kill then just a Sans, some of which are far more powerful anyhow. Seeing Flowey use the souls to transform also raises some interesting questions, too. Did he just force them to bend to his will to become godlike, or did the souls know that Error was a big enough threat to side with Flowey to help take him down? They didn't try to part with him in his omega form like in normal Undertale, so that's an interesting thing to consider.

On any case, this was an awesome animation, even if it wasn't fully finished in most places. The story and unique uses of characters is what got me. As you stated in your pinned comment, we shouldn't expect to see more Villain Sans Squad, but getting these little snippets now and again are always a treat. I said this before but maybe seeing a Google Document outlining major plot points that would've happened in the series may be an interesting path to consider, as it could be a very simple way to show your ideas to those that are just begging for more from the project. But on any case, this was an awesome video through and through, and I can't wait to see whatever content you make next. Keep up the great work!!!


Despite this animation being unfinished, it was still entertaining to watch. Nice work!


I'd honestly love to learn how to animate. I've got images down, but wouldn't really understand the timing and all the good stuff that comes with making an animation. Stuff like this is really inspiring to watch, and gets me pumped to try it as well. I hope to see more amazing stuff like this from you, Yamata


Finally, someone who puts the concept that Error is a designed anti-hacker into their fight/idea


Always some good animation. We appreciate all you works for us. Thank you Yamata.


Even if you didn't put too much effort in making this animation, it's still really good. I also appreciate the fact you used a music that is not an undertale theme or remix. If you did this animation with only a part of your potential, I'm so excited to watch Dusttale Stronger than you. Keep doing what you like the most and don't ever give up Yamata!


The legend of animating is back! I really loved that this is the epilogue after the events in the comic dub underplayer, (very nice detail yamata.) And I also noticed how the monsters of the underplayer universe isn't just copied code use to attack Error. But the actual monsters helping player. (Haha hopefully I'm not nit-picking right now) I just enjoy the details and lore accuracy yamata added. I am looking forward to seeing more of your great animation's again yamata!


My 2 personal favourite AU's and, at that - 2 favourite characters in undertales entirety - this is simply what i've needed my whole life, this masterpiece


Welcome back Yamata! The animation you’ve brought back with you is absolutely sick as hell. Despite not being a fully complete animation it was overall amazing. I’ve always wanted to see these 2 together and I’m so glad that you made this. Keep it up!
