World’s Most Dangerous Exercises! (UPRIGHT ROWS)

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Years back I threw the upright row exercise into my 5 worst exercises of all time, and buried it in my iron graveyard. Today, I’m revisiting the upright row and all its variations to see if it needs to be dug up or buried even deeper as I cover my “World’s Most Dangerous Exercises”, continuing right here at the shoulder joint.

When I included this originally, I gave my reasons for doing so. Remember, there is no personal axe to grind for me against any particular exercise or movement. I start out with a blank slate with them all and unless given a reason to dislike them…love them all! As a physical therapist, I am trained to look at an exercise on its own merit and determine whether it is something that is safe first and foremost and capable of producing results.

In the case of the upright row, this shoulder exercise is one that needs to remain six feet under. Here’s why.

The anatomy of the shoulder joint is such that there is a limited amount of space above the ball (in the ball and socket) for the bone itself as well as the other many important structures such as the rotator cuff tendons, bursa, and biceps tendon. When the shoulder joint is internally rotated (as you do with the upright row) you are rotating the greater tuberosity on the humerus directly into the joint, leaving less room for all of these structures.

If on the other hand you externally rotated your upper arm at the shoulder joint, you would do the exact opposite. External rotation at the shoulder joint creates extra room for the ball to move within the socket and still leave room for the other structures mentioned before.

When performing the upright row exercise however, you are forcing your shoulder joint not only into internal rotation but you are combining it with elevation. This simply does not anatomically sit well or rank as a safe motion (especially when you consider the repetitive nature in which you do it from set to set, workout to workout. Changing the hand position to be wider and using an ez curl bar, while slight improvements, do not come close to fixing the problem. The only way to overcome the inadequacy of the upright row is to stop using barbells and instead use dumbbells and perform something called the high pull.

The high pull allows you to get your hands up and back behind your body when you lift them. This is due to the external rotation that can be obtained at the shoulder joint rather than the negatively impacting internal rotation. Because the dumbbells are not fixed in place or connected via a bar that cannot pass through your body, you can maneuver them this way to get the relief the shoulder joint is looking for to make this exercise safe.

Mobility doesn’t solve the issue either. Increasing shoulder mobility at the expense of stability in a different part of the shoulder is not solving the problem. The bottom line is, this exercise is a bad exercise that deserves to stay buried in the iron graveyard. There are many other options for developing the delts and certainly the traps.

Рекомендации по теме

I'm in my mid 40's...did so many bad excercises!!
You young bucks are so fortunate to have the interwebs


My shoulders were always making cracking sounds when I was doing this exercise. Now I know why.


Jeff, plz do a video on the natural limit. I want to know why Richard Piano and Kali Mussolini got that big naturally


That exercise just caused me an injury, been out of the gym for 3 months, thanks athlean-x for warning people about this exercise


I was a power lifter. I completely agree. I screwed up both my shoulders and my elbows with this piece of crap exercise. Good riddance.


"So you got elevation with internal rotation. That is a bad combination." Jeff is a Rap God, I'm waiting for an album.


I’ve never had any bad experiences with this workout, I enjoy it.


Jeff deserves every one of his 3 million subscribers


I literally just started doing these... rip


Some exercises just feel wrong instinctively, upright rows is one of them


Thank you, Raymond, for being so selfless and allowing Jeff to dislocate your shoulder like that to show all of us what is really going on in our arms.


I was a competitive power lifter from 1977 to 1982 in the New England region. I was able to bench press over 2 1/3 times my body weight without any shoulder pain or injury. I credit the use of upright rows and close grip bench presses for keeping my shoulder joints strong and tight and preventing rotator cuff injury. I was always careful with my form and did them as support movements for my bench press. The only time I stopped doing upright rows was a few years ago when I tweaked my lower back and for the first time experienced internal shoulder pain. The pain when away as soon as I resumed upright rows.


so you got elevation with internal rotation, that's a bad combination. Jeff's droping some bomb rhymes there!


Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to know your location 😂😂😂


Someone told me this 20 years ago. People still do it!!!! Unreal.


The upright wrongs are a terrible exercise anyway, anything that promotes internal rotation of the shoulder should be avoided.


Jeff could single-handedly be responsible for a future generation of men who do not have rotator cuff / shoulder problems which resulted from improper lifting during their teens and 20's.


Crazy thing is I just got done doing these and I noticed slight strain in my shoulders. Once he broke down the science of the movement it all makes sense. Jeff strikes again


I love the upright row for traps. You have to do it right just like any other exercise. I use an easy curl bar. Nothing makes my traps grow like upright rows but everyone is different


Thanks Jeff! I always view one or two of your videos before going to the gym!
