Thriving First Year Summit | day 2 LIVE

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this video are my, Kailee Noland's, own based on my own experience and understanding of the science behind Evivo.

Thank you to our sponsor for the day's live: Evivo

Evivo has the good bacteria babies need to help support their gut microbiome with a single powerful ingredient only found in Evivo: B. infantis EVC001. Studies show babies fed Evivo have reduced colic-associated symptoms and better sleep.

Note: The LIVE discussions are part of cementing the learning of the summit and connecting, these are not related to the CEUs of the VIP Ticket.
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Thank you for a great day two. Learning so much!


haven't watched them all yet; but I did get to Alison's presentation. I liked in the VIP portion all of her ideas for story time. It can be so much more than just reading/looking through the pages! Great suggestions to boost interest for littles.


Day 2 talks were so relevant to me as I was 1 week from posterior tongue tie release for my son. We did a hospital release with a pediatrician but it was a red flag for me when I asked about aftercare exercises and she said they weren’t necessary. So, I looked for a 2nd opinion when mouth was still tight weeks later. I have also been buying multiple flange sizes to find best fit. 1 LC said go up a few mm, another said not to so testing for myself.


Kailee, I loved your suggestions to have the baby close during mealtime on the table. I had mine in my arm and had the other arm free to eat. But tummy time on the table is genius. And I loved your question during the baby-led weaning conversation regarding "sitting on their own at 6 months of age". It's a matter of defining what that means. For me, it means that a baby who can come into a seated position can sit by themselves. And they can free themselves out of that position. Babies who can't reach that seated position by themselves are not developmentally ready to sit and should not be put in a seated position. They would feel stuck because they can't escape that position without help or falling. I would love to hear your opinion as a PT professional. Thank you for an excellent conference on an exciting variety of topics!


My biggest takeaway is that there’s more to reflux than just having reflux. It often is a symptom of something much larger
