Once Human - 10 HUGE MISTAKES to AVOID! (Once Human Tips & Tricks)

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Once Human 10 HUGE Mistakes to Avoid!! This Once Human Tips & Tricks Videos shows you a ton of Mistakes you SHOULD be Avoiding to not hurt your progression and keep you making powerful gear and leveling up fairly quickly! These Huge Once Human Mistakes and Tips & Tricks Work amazing!

This Video Discusses: Once Human, Once Human Mistakes, Once Human 10 Huge Mistakes to Avoid, Once Humane Tips, Once Human Tricks, Once Human Tips & Tricks

Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - Crafting Ammo Wrong
1:30 - Missing Blueprints
4:47 - Base Location Mistake
6:14 - Powerful Buffs
7:05 - Autofarming
11:53 - Early OP Weapons
12:53 - Focus THESE Resources Early!
14:26 - Important Stats
16:36 - Base Building Mistake
17:52 - Use your Bed

#oncehuman #oncehumangame
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literally first tip I fucked up...sitting here at level 24 with 1200-1400 copper ap ammo for each of my guns, this gon be a bad vid for me boys


quick tip: if you're tired of pressing W+Shift to run while exploring on foot... press ~ to auto run


Best tip from me : get the festering gel deviation, each time you use him, he gives u full hp and all your insanity is removed, also return it to the cradle early so u have him again faster.


I love building so I went across the street from a friend who pulled me into the game and there was a butte, a rocky fat pillar of rocks and grasses and a few trees on top, and I wrapped my house around it getting to the top where I had a wonderful rooftop space with a great view of the sea and the farms inland. I played about 18 hours just learning the game, unlocking stuff. I then placed that star dust generator thing and below me a lot of nasties appeared. By the time I had fought them all off, half my house was destroyed....never saw it coming, no one told me about that, never saw any YT videos mentioning it...until now.

I wish i had watched this video YESTERDAY!!!!


Another tip:
- Dont refine portable gas into premium gas for your vehicle, it's less efficient.
- Dont repair your vehicle until health bar turned red, the repair cost stay the same either 1% damage or 90% damage.
- Dont put all Eclipse Cortex into purifier all at once, your defence might fail fighting large waves.
- Destroy your purifier after successful base defence. The drop is spawned inside the machine.


If you hunt rabbits you can get a deviant that collects meat and hide.

Also you should stack up on acid as that's a late game Ressource for a lot of stuff, you can make food that increases acid gain


I love f2p grind games. Going into this one i already knew what to do. Im in the second section atm and i built my base right in between 2 major strongholds and literally as close to the waypoint as possible. Got me a beautiful mountain sode view now, a garden, 12 deviants and ita going good. I love the difficulty progression. I was scared id get bored of slicing up zombies all day. So far, one of the better f2p games ive played in a long time. Thanks for the videos fam


maybe someone mentioned it further down maybe not, but...the very first thing to do is at character creation screen, there is a small human icon in the lower right corner, you can mouseover it to see additional info about stats and perks you get depending on how you make the character (big-smal, thin or fat) which affects gameplay.


An added note for finding gas. Go on small roads. The cars on the main roads usually don't have gas. The ones on small dirt paths or side roads do.


Wow! You don't know you can move your ENTIRE base!? YES! Every 10 min you can move your ENTIRE base, intact, for free!!! Just go to a buildable zone, Press B, then Z. Then you will see your ENTIRE base. Press ` (the key to the left of 1) to enter fly mode. Place your base and enjoy!!!


7:54 if your backpack has a light flashing like this you can use your finger snap (default Q) and find a hidden enemy that will drop a chest with great loot.


The base location tip is moot as soon as you unlock farming. Melt gravel to glass and start collecting orange seeds. I've basically hit the selling cap with all of the vendors and it is only tuesday. Orange Soda.


When cooking, you can select different meats to give you different buffs on the dish you make. Like more HP, Stamina etc.


I dont think setting your base up on nowhere is a mistake. Actually it is better to set it up somewhere where u gonna be able to get something in specific instead of getting somewhere, because at the end you still gonna TP, and getting close to bases is not good if you just gonna defeat the monolith and move to the next one. For me it is a mistake to be close to a base or tp. Your home is an extra TP. Also, way better to srt it up on a polluted area so you can get acid easily 👍🏼 And energy links are way easy to get, i craft T5 stuff everytime and make acid with sulfur and energy links and still have like 300k each time while selling silver/gold ores or the chips


Another tip is to not upgrade weapons you find. Weapon you find isn't a weapon you own, so you can't repair them. Only upgrade weapons you can make yourself since then it will say you own the weapon and can repair it.


Re the Ammo, steel ammo just needs the ingots, no stardust resource, and with a few digby's you'll have almost infinite steel and the % damage buff is decent, no reason to stick with copper :)


If you destroy the supports of your base, all benches and structures refund their their mats, including stored mats in chests, to the vault! So you can ver6 quickly breakdown and then build from scratch. Make sure to save a blueprint of your base first so you can restore it if you want.


My roommate expanded her territory and put the device that attracts the monsters far away from her base. Her house was barely touched 😂


My suggestion is to find one of the boss encounters in the world, build your base near it and just farm it. Dunni what daily max is, but this makes sure to hit it


Ok good tips Here’s mine for new players.

You will get a plain for the (throwing daggers) just like the bow you can get them back form kills but unlike the bow THEY HIT HARD for no reason. Body shoots are 900 an head shoots are 1200+ I used them all the way up to the spider boss and they did not let me down. There really cheep to make to only 2 scrap an 1 wood.So ya I say from level 1-25 there great to use
