Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Vs Linux Mint 20 | Which Is The Best Distro of 2020 (NEW)

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Ubuntu 20.04 and Linux Mint 20 are the TOP 2 Linux Distros That You Could Be Using in 2020. But which one gives you better performance, But which among them is the best? Which among them is more suitable FOR You? Ubuntu 20.04 or Linux Mint 20. Let's find out.

Ubuntu and Linux Mint, are very close to each other and at the same time, miles apart.

The brand new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and newest Linux Mint 20 are power-packed releases, both coming with noticeably faster performances than their previous versions.

They both come with improved visuals, faster boot-up times, and overall, the newest versions of Ubuntu and Linux mint, are better than ever.

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I knew LinuxMint 20 is going to be the winner even before clicking on the video and I am not even complaining. I absolutely love LinuxMint simple and elegant.


Thanks for the video (subbed). I recently left windows 7 and install Ubuntu on my office PC and I am about to install Mint to my home PC...
I tested them both in VB but couldn't make my mind. So I'm gonna try them both and see for myself. Ubuntu till now is more than I expected, rock solid, fast and enjoyable!


As a newbie to Linux, thank you!
Two things missing I would like to have seen, a comparison of keeping your online privacy between the two (like protecting MAC addresses, firewall operation, etc) and also the installation sizes of the base OS installs.


Nice overview, thanks. Mint is my choice, when I'm not using CentOS or RHEL for work.


Great job! I love your videos, keep at it and keep up the great work!


Thanks for covering the different wersions


PopOS and linux mint are good for beginners and also for working professionals.

I was using pop os 20 for a month or so. Currently back to my OG ubuntu 18.04. don't judge me i just like it here 😅


Another good vid. I use Mint on a mini laptop but the pure Debian based edition "Debbie". I have had stability issues with the Ubuntu based Mint edition. Hopefully things are better with the latest


Having switched from elementary OS to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
I just want to say that Ubuntu has more deeply customization than any other distro since this is a cradle of all distros. You can mod/custom the UI anyway you want by GNOME Shell Extensions or gnome-tweaks without any risk.


I've been using Mint for nearly two years now. Currently running 19.3. Haven't upgraded yet, but will be doing soon. Good job comparing the two. Looking forward to using 20. 19.3 has been slow booting up and connecting to the Internet.


Would all linux software that runs on Ubuntu also run on Linux Mint?
I want the best compatibility. Thanks. :)


Subbed helped me make my decision after watching lots of other vids. I have decided to switch to Linux


Nice video really helpful for trying to make a decision between both.


@linux Tex, I owe you a thank you! This was the clip which made me to switch to mint from Ubuntu. I am very comfortable with it. Thank you.


Please compare between Linux mint 20 and LMDE 4, thanks


Fantastic video! Salutations from Brazil!


I use Ubuntu for my Computer. Not sure which Linux distribution is the best cuz I'm just getting used to it. I really love the way you compare and contrast one from the other. Also just subbed to your channel cuz I find it interesting


thank you, for your perfect review and information :)


I used Linux Mint 20 as my first real distro and it's really easier to use than Windows.


Enjoyed your video. As a fairly new Linux user I concur with your conclusions, you were spot on with the details. Being a long term user of GUI based OS I find Mint the best choice of Linux to adapt with. I have tried many, peppermint, manjaro, ubuntu, solus, kde neon, zorin, etc. and each may excel in one way or another but Mint excels in many ways but not every way. I did not like the disabling of installing software outside of the provided Software Manager. I found a work around that by modifing a config file to make allowance. Without this I was not able to install Youtube-dLg or a GUI for youtube-dl which I perfer. Now I can, I was also able to command line install veracrypt with a gui. I run Mint on a newer laptop and I also run it on a 9 year old laptop. It is pretty sluggish on the old machine TILL I found the article on how to speed up Mint. Made a world of difference in all functions, very pleased. Finally my last complaint is the sound, when your play youtube videos (like yours). They sound tinny, with little to no bass and for a while I could not find enough information to improve this. Finally I came across a web site that had a full page explanation of how the modify the pulse config file and configure alsa to give best output. This made a significant improvement and enhanced the overall Linux experience on a daily basis. NOW, I really like Mint 20. When I retire I will not longer dual boot and just use Linux on my laptops. Just wanted you and others to know your coverage was factual and worthy of consideration
