haurchefant | let me follow

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Footage: Final Fantasy XIV
Programm: Sony Vegas Pro 12
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When you still can't get over it and you have to make an edit...
Haven't been editing in ages so sorry if it is a bit rusty!

AND HELP I HAVE A TYPO *disappeared

I hope you like it ♥
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I will always represent House Fortemps, when he showed up in the end with Ysayle.... 😭 oh my god i lost it, god damn it Haurchefant I could of avoided it 😭😭😭




i cry and rage every time i have rewatched that cutscene, but i miss him so much.... This video just hits me in my soul.


We are the warrior of light, yet we can't defend him from the light that took is life.


This is the best Haurchefant video I’ve ever seen.


Cool geschnitten. Sieht aber aus als nimmst du viele Presets :O versuch deinen eigenen style noch dazu. ;)
Sonst gut, Lieder ist ausergewöhnlich komisch ^^ (nicht mein geschmack...)


Long comment ahead! Hi, I’m sure some of you don’t take video requests, but since there are 160 of you in TheNamelessDoll’s “Check out these editors” playlist, I decided to just write one message and send it to all of you by writing down all of your names and going one by one, sending you this message on your most recent videos, hoping that at least one of you takes video requests, and will accept my proposal. Now, why am I here, you ask?
I am the director/producer/writer of the fanfilm “The Big Four: Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons” I may have written a lot of the script, cast a lot of the people (I wasn’t originally the leader of this project, but since the forerunner is MIA, I have taken over [but not in a hostile way, of course]), and been storyboarding this film, but I don’t have the skill in editing that you all do. So, that is why I am here. I am requesting to have you on as an editor to put together clips of Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon (along with any Dragons shorts or things from Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk) as the main sources, and Fantasia 2000’s “Firebird Suite” (for the Mother Nature scenes, which will have to be recolored) and Anastasia (for the music box scenes) to create the fanfilm. MK from Epic has been cast as Bernice. She was Jack Frost’s first believer in our universe, and was also his little sister. Please contact me if you would like to edit and/or you would like to know about the other characters cast as different roles in our movie. Now, as this is a fanfilm, you will not get paid.
Before you read any further, please note that the script is 61 pages long, so the completed project will be about 61 minutes in length.
So, if more than one of you agrees to be on this project, we’ll be more than happy to have you, as it takes more than one person to make a movie, and I wouldn’t want to put pressure on just one person handling this on their own, although I will guide you if need be (I’m not saying you will, but just in case you do, please let me know).
If you do agree to be on this project, you will have access to the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons folder on Google Drive, which contains the script, storyboards, and other things needed for our movie. As of now, there is no deadline or due date for the movie to be finished, but please know that this will be a long term commitment. Also, not all of the dialogue has been recorded, but I’m hoping to get all of the dialogue together this summer so you can have something to work with.
Furthermore, if you do agree to be one of our editors, you will have 40 scenes to choose from. Some will be longer than others, but each scene is crucial as it, obviously, tells a part in this story. When you have selected your scene(s) (I’m thinking you can choose 3, but you can choose more if you want to), I will put your YouTube username in bold next to the scene(s) you have chosen, so more than one person won’t edit the same scene more than once.
If and when you do agree to be one of our editors, you will be invited to the premiere (date has not yet been set) and will be credited in the end credits.
Like I told our voice actors with recording their dialogue, feel free to film yourselves editing, and it just might be featured in the behind-the-scenes video I’ll put together. BUT that is voluntary, and it’s okay if you don’t want to be on camera.
