DEADLIEST Battle of WW1: The Somme | Animated History
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Greenhalgh, Elizabeth. The French Army and the First World War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Griffith, Paddy. Battle Tactics of the Western Front : The British Army`s Art of Attack, 1916-18. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994.
Lupfer, Timothy. The Dynamics Of Doctrine: The Changes In German Tactical Doctrine During The First World War. Lucknow Books, 2015.
Gilbert, Martin. “The Battle of the Somme: ‘It Is Going to Be a Bloody Holocaust.’” In The First World War. United States: Rosetta Books, 2014.
Neiberg, Michael S. “A War Against Civilization: The Chantilly Offensives and the Somme.” In Fighting the Great War, 177-202. United States: Harvard University Press, 2006.
Prior, Robin. Conquer We Must : A Military History of Britain 1914-1945. 1st ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023.
Strachan, Hew. “The Battle of the Somme and British Strategy.” Journal of strategic studies 21, no. 1 (1998): 79–95.
Wiest, Andrew A. Haig: The Evolution of a Commander. 1st ed. Washington, D.C: Potomac Books, 2005.
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