Generics in PHP

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As a C++ guy <T> is the convention way before there was such a thing as PHP. When you get into two or more parameters, would want to describe their usage, just like you would with parameters, as they are parameters. So if the generic can take anything (say a generic collection), then T is fine, as it specifies a completely generic type. If you have something that really only makes sense for a scalar for example, then something like TScalar or TNumeric (that would support math functions on the type) would make more sense. But generic type names should start with a T, as has been the convention in C++ for decades. T says it is a placeholder for a type.


I like the `T` approach, you get used to it overtime, and that is how Typescript and C# do it


The reason T is my preferred way when dealing with generics is because it says nothing about the type you're dealing with, as is usually the case when using generics.
However, even when using a bounding box I feel like T is fine. It's not the job of "T" to describe to you what you're dealing with as most likely you'll only be seeing it once at the docblock level and never again in your code.

What's much more useful for code readability is just simply using proper and clear names for your generic values. In another comment I've seen "TScalar" and "TNumber" but why?
When taking a Java (I'm most comfortable with generics in Java) method declaration using those names it provides no benefit over a clear name.

public <TScalar> void doScalarOperation(TScalar scalar) { }
public <T extends Scalar> void doScalarOperation(T scalar) { }

In my opinion the variable name does more than enough to describe to me what I'm working with and using TScalar just reintroduces the infamous verbosity of Java into PHP.


I prefer using the T prefix (like TValue).


I’d most likely go for readability over convention, in an attempt to reduce cognitive load where ever possible.


I just literally treat it as if it were a class.
So in the example, I would just leave it as `InstanceOf`... That said, I realize that doesn't fully work for the `Attribute` one, in which case, I'll prefix with a T, but that is probably because I come from C# land, where we prefix interfaces with I and generics with T.


what do you think about hack php from facebook? it has generics and other cool "typed" stuff, why do you think it's not mainstream?


I use the "T" prefix, and an understandable name, trying to use same names across the whole context.


I use Camel_Snake_Case, prefixed with GEN and followed by pi, because. Evil. GEN_Instance_Of_π


"proper support for generics using docblocks"

I think your definition of "proper" is way weaker than my definition of proper.

Another jewel: "change the color".

Lol, you messed things up by a lot.
