Variance... without Generics!

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Did you know that you can use covariance and contravariance in Kotlin without generics? Unlock the mental model of generic variance by first understanding how variance works with regular type hierarchies!
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00:00 Introduction
00:35 Upholding the Contract in Subtypes
02:05 Covariance
04:12 Contravariance
06:54 Summary of Variance
07:15 Why Generic Variance Works
08:10 Wrap-up
#kotlin #androiddevelopment
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00:00 Introduction
00:35 Upholding the Contract in Subtypes
02:05 Covariance
04:12 Contravariance
06:54 Summary of Variance
07:15 Why Generic Variance Works
08:10 Wrap-up
#kotlin #androiddevelopment
Variance... without Generics!
What is Covariance and Contravariance in C#: A Complete Overview
Variance in Java Generics
Generics (& Generic Variance) - Simply Explained | Android Development
Kotlin What type variance is shared between generics in Kotlin
Generics Type Variance Explained: covariance, contravariance and invariance
Contravariance in Scala: Why Is It So Hard? | Rock the JVM
What is the IN Keyword Used For in Kotlin? (Generics)
Crust of Rust: Subtyping and Variance
Circumventing Kotlin's Generics Type Variance Constraints
All You Need to Know About the REIFIED Keyword In Kotlin
What are Covariance and Contravariance in C#
Demystifying Co, Contra, In Kotlin Variance Notations
CppCon 2018: Michał Dominiak “Co- and Contra-: Adding a Little Variance”
Generics and Wildcards in Java | Part 2 | Invariance vs Covariance vs Contravariance | Geekific
Kotlin For Beginners - Variance, Covariance, Contravariance and Type erasure
C# : Why isn't there generic variance for classes in C# 4.0?
Lang.NET 2009 - Co- and Contra-variance in C# 4.0 - Anders Hejlsberg (Microsoft)
Why doesn't .NET's DI system understand generic interface variance?
“don’t play any emo songs”
1st yr. Vs Final yr. MBBS student 🔥🤯#shorts #neet
KotlinConf 2018 - Exploring the Kotlin Type Hierarchy from Top to Bottom by Nat Pryce
Covariance Vs Contra-Variance : What You Should Know | Interview Questions
What is the relationship between variance, generic interfaces, and input/output?