Shooting victims' families to Dylann Roof: We 'forgive you'

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Dylann Roof, the suspect in the mass shootings that killed nine at a Charleston church, appeared in court for his bond hearing Friday. Family members of the victims addressed Roof emotionally, and said that they "forgive" him and "hate won't win."
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How old is that guard on the right? He looks like a teenanger.


That guard on the right looks like he is 16.


Imagine how strong and beautiful of a person you have to be to forgive such actions. God bless the families of the victims ♥️


I can't believe they forgave him those people are amazingly strong


The families of the victims have good hearts. It would have been hard for me to forgive him if that was a family member of mine after the pain he put his victims and their families through.


There is some misunderstanding in this thread about forgiveness. When the family says "I forgive you", it doesn't mean he's absolved and shouldn't be punished. What they are saying is they personally hold no resentment towards him.

An old adage goes "When you hold onto resentment, it's like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die". 

By forgiving Dylann, the family removes the burden of hate and bitterness from their shoulders and gives it up to God. One could argue forgiveness is purely selfish since the only person it benefits is the person doing the forgiving, however in the Christian tradition, there is the belief of redemption, that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and although here on earth we punish wrongdoers, God is willing to forgive a repentant sinner.

I'm not sure if this makes any sense, but I thought I would take a stab at it.


My heart goes out too all of you of the Charleston Church. I am so sorry this happened to you. This young man, I cannot understand why he did this...


I wonder what was going through Dylann's mind when these people were pouring their hearts out to him. I wonder if he experienced any empathy at all, or even an ounce of regret, or sadness for the victim's families.


The judge has been one of the most temperate, humble, and professional judges I have ever seen.


I am so moved by the forgiveness of survivors and the families of the victims 😢

I’m not religious but if God exists, may he bless them. They are true Christians and kind beautiful souls.


prayers for the people who loss their loved ones. and for this boy to ask God for forgiveness.


Absolutely 100% the hardest but the most correct and amazing thing to say and do. Even if the perpetrator doesn’t understand the gravity of it in that moment, it will ring in their life until it ends and helps to break the cycle of hate and violence.


These people are strong for being able to forgive this person, and they did it right to avoid any hatred in their hearts. god bless them


Is it just me or does he look kinda like the guard on the right?


I know my mans back there waiting to snap his neck


If he is not guilty charge him with a bad haircut


I heard the words of the families of the victims, I cried and cried. tt was so moving to hear the the words of the family members. 

I cannot believe the killer (and the guards for that matter) showed no emotion to this display of grace and faith in action.

It must have been so hard to do so soon after the murders when they were so affected by this tragedy. Their relatives killed would be so proud of them all.

It sort of  reminds me of when  Reginald Denny the trucker beaten and brain damaged during the LA riots who chose to forgive his attackers. It might be the only thing  that might reach the perpetrators of crimes like these.Even if those who did this are ot moved or could care less, these words help those who hear them.

I marvel at the souls of those who can do this, , , in unity they acted and poured out a little of their soul and feelings.

It helps to remind us that good people still exist in this country as well as the outpouring of love from people in the community and country.

It is a testament to the goodness of those at the church that night who were so nice to the man that he said he almost did not kill them..this is  a testament to them that their last act of their lives taken so soon and unjustly was something so in harmony with the teachings of Christ.

May God have mercy on the souls of the victims and bless them into eternity May God help in every way the many friends and families affected by this, heal the community and not let further hated come from this horrible event. May he help the loved ones not only now in the beginning when they get a lot of support but down the road when the pain really sets in when the shock wears off and few of there. May people continue to support them in the way they each require.

I am so sorry this happened.


isn't it innocent until proven guilty? why are they letting the victim's families talk to him and assuming he's already guilty? let him have the day in court


I just hope that one day he will sincerely regret what he did.


Mark wahlbergs little bro just chilling in the back right lol
