Age of Empires 4 Ultimate Micro Guide

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00:00 - Introduction
00:30 - Attack Move & Target Fire
05:12 - Stutter Step (Kiting)
07:02 - Protect Archers With Spearmen
08:25 - Formations Explained
12:06 - Picking Off Villagers
13:00 - How to Control Multiple Units?
16:50 - Surrounding Archers
17:50 - Villager Micro vs Knights
20:40 - Villager Garrison Commands
24:22 - How to Blink With Villagers?
27:40 - Attacking The Fishing Boats
29:07 - Microing WIth Springald Ships
30:08 - Dodging The Arrow Ships
31:40 - More to come!

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Man, whoever helped you make this video is such a fine gentleman :^)


THIS is the kinda begginner content needed. so many people focus on straight apm and crazy fast build orders, but all the underlying mechanics and know how like this are so important


Legend beasty I think alot of us really needed this. The amount of random team mates I've seen not A moving and losing half their forces before even engaging is unreal.


I was losing SO MANY BATTLES and SO MANY GAMES even when I was far ahead in eco. This guide is exactly what I need!!! No more derp units


ive started playing this game 2 months ago. Also my first RTS ever. I started watching Beasty and I climbed from Bronze 3 to Gold 3 Currently on a 7 win streak. Thanx alot


Tipps from a dented gold/plat player who uses most of those tipps:

1. If you build a tower on gold for example and you use G when the enemy units went past your tower and are now attacking your vills, it will make them go around those units into the tower which basically kills the villager twice as fast. So against melee threat build your tower BEHIND your vills. Definetly didn't lost a game like this today...

2. If you are playing china/green china and you play it save and build a village and a tower next to your 4 gold villagers, make sure to put the tower closer to the mining camp than the village. Otherwise the enemy samurai are going to burn down the tower unharmed while your zhuge nu are running across your base. I totally didn't made that mistake earlier this week...

3. Having all your units in a different control group is fine but don't just go through them, klick where you want your army to be and then go and do something in your base. Different units have different movespeed. If you don't anticipate your enemy moving his 15 horsemen to your base after he went imperial you will loose all your siege and look pretty dumb trying to punish his age up and probably definetly lose like I did.

5. Also don't forget to attack move all of your units before starting to micro your main unit. Nothing is more hilarious than you having the perfect comp, enganging in the right moment and then - while microing your archers - you watch as your spearmen stroll past the enemy horsemen which then kill all your archers...


Thank you so much Beasty. I just got back into AOE4 after it sat in my library for 2y. I have been taking a stab at actually learning proper RTS gameplay through your content. You are a great teacher, and you make learning fun and clear for me


As someone who just recently has started to try and get into this game, thanks for this. That first tip about the A attack move blew my mind lol


the horsemen surrounding archers tips is very cool to me, it makes me realize why I like cavalry so much, considering I loved playing zerg in sc2


Just a legend of the age community .. Been waiting for a video like this for a long time because I am new to RTS so much brilliant honest information . Thank you beasty legend bro X


- A + Move
- Attack and move in direction
- Target Fire
- On specific unit counters (e.g. archers vs spearmen)
- Queue Attacks
- Shift click target fire on specific units to queue targets
- Kite Archers
- Move, shoot, move, shoot
- Can A + Move away, will turn around on their own
- Archers + Spearmen Against Calvary
- Run archers into spearmen
- Once spearmen in fight, kite archers
- Can use staggered spearmen around archers and set spearmen to hold
- Formations
- Wedge = Not used at all in high level competitive
- Staggered = Great when avoiding area of effect dmg (Mangonels, bee nest, etc.)
- Line = For large groupings, widen out engagement for overall dps, use with ranged units
- Overkilling
- When ranged units are doing more damage per volley than necessary against enemy units
- Picking Off Villagers
- Target a villager with ranged, shift click back to safe position
- Efficient for picking off villagers under tower protection
- Micro Importance
- Micro the units that you have the most of, that are important to not lose
- Control Multiple Units
- Least Micro = Horsemen, Men At Arms
- More Micro = Spearmen, Archers
- Micro Calvary
- Shift click to side then A + Move into enemy ranged units in back
- Surrounding Archers
- A + Move for a charge, run past archers, A + Move again, then repeat until surrounded
- Optional: staggered formation to surround archers then A + Move into archers
- Villager Micro vs Knights
- Once villager is charged, A + Move other villagers to block path of knight
- Use spearmen and hold ground option to stun knight's charge
- Villager Garrison Commands
- In danger, use Seek Shelter (G)
- Once safe, use Return to Work (D) or Return All to Work (C) on TC
- Blink with Villagers
- Take villagers on one side, garrison (G) with resources, then return to work (C) on other side towards next resource
- Cuts time wasted with villagers walking past TC in early age
- Blink Against Rams
- G villagers into TC, F outside, target a ram, G back into TC, repeat until rams are dead
- Optional: Use resources on opposite side of TC to blink villagers across TC
- Attack Fishing Boats
- Attack + move forward, repeat
- Efficient dmg against retreating fishing ships
- Micro Springald Ships
- A + Move, move away, repeat
- Micro Demolition Ships
- Dodge move opposite of attack vector against galley ships


Learned A move in Relic's CoH2, saved me in a lot of early noob matches in AoE4


Very useful I didn't under the foundations until you explained it. Thank you! :D


24:00 U can also do from options controls there's an option called: Stop looking for shelter or smth like that.. and u can just press that button instead of pressing on TC and C and they will ALL return to work, its the same as pressing TC+ C. I use it on "Home" button its not smth ur gonna use every 10 seconds and its easier to remember


Thanks for this.

I’ll be rewatching this a lot… and I’ll make sure my son doesn’t watch it. I can’t let him beat me. 😂


Made it to plat 2 on console with you and Aussiedrongo’s advice. Thanks man!


I am a fan since a year and finaly i get to understand the vills tp trick. Learned so much from that. Ty alot !


Very important guide. Thank you! I was always struggling around with exactly the points you mentioned.


14:30 I have this terrible disease, thanks for the video!


Thank you for the video! I'm really struggling with tactics and you simplified things for me .
