Powering Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka and MongoDB

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Organisations are building their applications around microservice architectures because of the flexibility, speed of delivery, and maintainability they deliver. This session introduces you to technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes & Kafka which are driving the microservices revolution. Learn about containers and orchestration – and most importantly how to exploit them for stateful services such as MongoDB.
Powering Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka and MongoDB
Powering Microservices with Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, and M
Introduction to Microservices, Docker, and Kubernetes
Rapidly Iterating on Microservices using Docker, Kubernetes, and Node js
Deploying Microservices in Kubernetes - Webinar by Certified Kubernetes Administrator Janakiram MSV
Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, and Jenkins (Rafael Benevides, Christian Posta)
Having fun with Robots using microservices on Docker and Kubernetes by Renze de Vries
Microservices Orchestration Using Docker and Kubernetes
Angular Using Asp.Net Core Microservices by Mr.Narendrababu - Session 17 (File Upload Scenario)
Scalable Microservices with gRPC, Kubernetes, and Docker by Sandeep Dinesh, Google
MongoDB Microservice with Kubernetes Tutorial
Hands-On Docker for Microservices with Python | 6. Local Development with Kubernetes
Microservices On Kubernetes - Part 1: IDE & Tools
Luke Marsden - The Sock Shop: Microservices from dev to prod with Docker and Kubernetes
Kubernetes in 5 mins
2 Demo Deploying Microservices Application on GCP Kubernetes Cluster
Building high performance microservices with Kubernetes, Go, and gRPC (Google Cloud Next '17)
Docker Orchestration and Microservices: How Docker Can Benefit a Microservice Architecture
Open Source Microservices based on Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins by James Strachan at JBCNConf 2016
Java-Based Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes - How To • Ray Tsang & Arjen Wassink • GOTO 201...
Developing and deploying Java-based microservices in Kubernetes by Ray Tsang
Running Kafka in Kubernetes a practical guide (Katherine Stanley)
Scalable Microservices with gRPC, Kubernetes, and Docker with Sandeep Dinesh (Google)
Using Docker & Kubernetes to Modernize Your Mobile, Web, and Microservices Apps (The Easy Way)