Caught in a Hail Storm in my Truck Camper on the Most Dangerous Part of a Jeep Trail

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***My Special Discount for the OnX Offroad app: truckhouselife

This is it! Let's go wheeling and truck camping - Tackling the infamous Cinnamon Pass on the Alpine Loop Trail near Silverton, Colorado... and of course, in a hail storm. Huge shoutout to @DifferentStrokesofAlaska for getting the truck repaired to tackle trails like this! Make sure to check them out in Anchorage, Alaska for your Ford diesel repair and modification needs.
My Venmo for fuel/truck repair donations: Tim-Johnson-107
My Instagram: @truckhouselife
My TikTok: @truckhouselife

If you enjoy my YouTube channel and would like to donate to help pay for some diesel fuel or truck repairs to keep my adventures and videos rolling, please donate to my Venmo @ Tim-Johnson-107 or

** HUGE thanks to Forest Wilson for the original music in this video: Check his music out at:

#alaska #alaskalife #ford #powerstroke #diesel #salmonfest #tinyhome #tinyhouse #vanlife #cabinlife #diy @DifferentStrokesofAlaska

MY YOUTUBE CAMERA GEAR I USE TO MAKE THESE VIDEOS (use these links to buy the gear and support my channel at the same time (I get a small commission from the sale:)

My Truck Accessories that I have on my truck & love (using these links supports my channel too:)

HUGE THANK YOU to my Patreons for your continuing support of this channel!!!

My truck house lithium battery system:
Рекомендации по теме

Timmy, I enjoy everyone of your ventures. I'm 73 and dealing.with cancer now but I'll get through it and hope to make some ventures of my own. I used to do trips like this when I was younger until I got married and had a family. ENJOY LIFE WHILE YOU CAN. SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO


This is better than any television programming out there! Keep on adventuring.


Timmy, you are always thanking us for watching, but I hope you know how grateful we are to you for taking us along & making us feel we are right there with you. Some of us are unable to do adventures so we truly thank you. I'm sure somedays it can be a lot having people stop you & take pictures of the truck when you're working inside, but you are always so kind & take it in stride. 💜🤗


Watching your videos convinced me to keep my husband's F350 after he passed. I've since put a pop-up shell on and am enjoying the adventure. Thank you young man.


Didn’t realize you left the day job. That’s awesome, congrats on following your dreams!


I bet you never thought you’d become a superstar just by filming your life! So cool you get to do this. Thrilled for you.


Timmy, it’s amazing how many lives that you touch through your videos, your videos are truly inspiring. I’m 69 years young, I use to be a ski instructor so now my knees are not so good anymore, I guess I just did too many jumps, so I don’t get out much anymore but I live vicariously through your videos. As always thank you so much for all your hard work and the time you spend to bring us amazing videos so we can go on your adventures with you. Great video. Keep on rocking it. ❤❤❤😊


I love how everyone knows Timmy . . . very heart-warming!


Timmy, One thing I am impressed with is the "Road ettiquette" I am seeing in your videos. Everyone seems to really be polite and exercise a lot of patience with everyone on the road, in sharing the spaces and being friendly. I guess the reason I notice this, is because of a recent experience I had in a Winco parking lot. My caregiver was attempting to park, and this rude driver kissed her bumper and began honking at her to move on. Refusing to allow her an inch to be able to move and park. WE had to literally move on, then this rude dude took the parking space. It was not a handicap space per se, but was closer to the building and we did have handicap sign. Which we needed the space. it was awful how mean people continued to be at 5pm at the Winco parking lot. Terrible. So it is refreshing to see such politeness and road sharing, and this for me added to the enjoyment of the video.

I also loved the footage of the beautiful landscape too, very awesome pictures and great musically accompaniment too. You have great videos. I enjoy watching them. Lately I have been binge watching a lot of your videos. Thanks they are great. Michelle Reed, Gresham Oregon USA


You bring peace and good memories in my life Timmy.

Your videos are genuine, real and so southing. A pleasure to watch.

My GF and I were camping on Vancouver Island two months ago.
Nature, wildlife, almost no humans, rough campsites.

Hiking, cooking, bear watching.
Experiencing all good things this planet shares with us.
Away from the European ratrace. Enjoyed every second of it.

And I see you do likewise!

Keep making these great videos.



I held my breath the entire time up that pass! Beautiful country up there.


I love to look on your face when you said it was starting to hail. Love the singing


Hell yeah brother ! Love the trash cleanup even though it isnt yours and the mindset of leaving a place better than what you found it, amazing !


Timmy is a complete celebrity on the road now. Got to admire how uncomfortable he was initially when recognized to now -- when he seems still a little reluctant but he's as nice as can be with almost constant attention. Hope you get some solitude when you need it Timmy and thanks for sharing your adventures with us!


Dude, I literally have no nails left to bite after watching you make your way down those switchbacks. You are an inspiration!!!


Timmy, let me tell you when you get older you will appreciate all this filming that you did of yourself because you will look back at it and you will appreciate it more than we could ever appreciate it


Thanks right back at ya, Timmy! I love that we get to go along for the ride. Favorite Youtuber!!


My wife and I instantly knew this was you when we saw your house as we came around the corner in our Cam-Am. You were chilled out, kicked back enjoying the sun probably editing so we did'nt want to bother you. We enjoy your videos!


Had mini heart attacks on the switchbacks so you didn’t have to. 😳😂 That was great 4 wheeling!


I was able to go to Silverton and several other places on vacation with my son and family. The scenery was breath taking, the mountains t, The golden leaves of the Aspen trees, blowing in the wind Awesome hopefully I'll get to go again next year, there's so much to see 🤗🙏❤️🇺🇸
