The Book That PROVES Jesus was REAL | Joe Rogan

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In this video, we break down a clip where comedian Chris Distefano confronts Joe Rogan with Historical Evidence for Jesus.

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Case for Christ, Lee started writing that book to not prove but disprove Jesus Christ and Became a BELIEVER in CHRIST!!! True Story!!!


Joe talking to so many Christians! May Christ continue to draw him closer.


Saw the devil at 14 in a dream, he tried to stop me from coming to Christ and go back to the way I was. But God saved me, God is good.


I always find it fascinating how non-believers so quickly question the legitimacy of any history related to the Bible, but the exact same people have no problem thinking of ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman history as infallible. If you're questioning one- you should question them all.


I've known Jesus is real. He come to me and saved me when I was 8 years old. I was really born again. God adopted me.


“If the world hates you, remember it hated me first”


The book that did it for me was The Bible. I listened to many sermons by Chuck Missler. He explained so many things I didn’t understand from the Old Testament. The Old Testament prophesies about Jesus were 100%. I thought the Case for Christ was wonderful, too. But, Chuck Missler is a fabulous Historian, and he made the Bible his life. Great teacher.


What I would have added to this, besides where the conversation ended up, was what I took as the BAM statement from Lee's book.
Many will die for what they believe to be true. No one will give their life for what they know to be a lie.
Yet the apostles went to their deaths for refusing to deny our Lord's life, death, burial and resurrection.
On day, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.


The Romans didn’t hate Christ. They didn’t want to kill Christ. They didn’t love him either. Read what Pontius said about Christ when he wrote a letter to Caesar.


I bought and read this book years ago. It made a believer out of me. Before thst I did not believe. I now know Jesus and the experiences I've had are personal and beautiful.


The gospels started 35 years after Jesus death (Mark). And the oral tradition source dates back to within 5 years of Jesus death. There is no history more verifiable and accurate in that time frame than the historical evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


It was explained to me that the Jewish Rabbis didn't just memorize the words, but they sang the words. Singing is a well known way of memorizing something without worry of it getting changed thru the generations.


The wisdom found in the Bible can not be from an ordinary human mind.


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.




Here is something.. I realised the bible to me seemed ligit after wanting to disprove it. So Jesus being who He said He is, can hear you right now. In fact knows your every thought and being but let's set that aside. I went straight to the source and Jesus Himself confirmed everything to me.. I had no understanding really but I gave my life to Him saying if the bible is real and He really died for me my life is His. Lot's of things happened and I asked a youth pastor whom I played soccor with why he was so passionate as I could not understand it. He asked me what do you believe? I was like confronted as it made so much more sense than what I had believed but it wasnt "real" to me yet as I had no "experience" of Jesus but I said I believe I guess as it makes sense but it's not real to me yet at the same time. SO I believed in my heart and confessed before men without me realising. long story short, Holy Spirit entered in me POWERFULLY that night and next night I ended up face to face with Jesus (couldn't make out His face as it was like radiant like the sun, didn't hurt my eyes tho) and I just knew everything on the spot in that place, no doubts. God is so good and so patient, how He put's up with me is beyond me but He does.. Search for the truth and you will find Jesus.. Yeshua, who died for us on a cross to break the curse of sin that is on us. ONLY through Him can you come to the Father.. it is true


If the apostles steel the body and they knew the resurrection is a hoax -wha nearly ALL of them (except John) was killed the most horrible and they accept this with free will. the only thing would be to say : sorry it was a lie and then they would be free and alive. So imagine if you was Judas Thaddeus (they ripped of his skin alive !) if you had the chance to stay alive -would you accept this torture if you know its all a hoax? they KONW the ressuraction was true, therefore they accept death.


Hallelujah!!! I’m favored and blessed with $60, 000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.


Another aspect supporting veracity of the Disciples is that the more they spoke the Gospel, the more trouble they got into. People lie to get out of rather than into trouble.


Another thing overlooked here is the Roman guard placed there, were not 2 guys like what is commonly depicted today. I think there could have been upwards of 16 well trained Roman soldiers guarding that tomb, of which faced a very terrible way to die if they failed at their post! A few untrained apostles that couldn't even swing a sword definitely would not have been able to sneak past, open the humongous stone that is designed to be easy to close, hard to open and steal Jesus's body from the tomb!
