IPv4 addresses

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IPv4 addresses
The IP protocol specifies that computers participating in a network,
using this protocol (version 4 - IPv4),
are uniquely identified
by a 32-bit binary number,
the IP address.
Such a number is e.g. the 11000000 10101000 00000001 00010010
In fact a computer can have multiple addresses,
a different one for each different network to which it is connected.
Like a house in crossroad that has a facade on two intersecting streets,
can be identified with different addresses
depending on the path from which it is approached.
An IP address has every Network Interface on a computer.
Thus a computer with two Ethernet network cards (network interfaces)
may have two addresses.
Address identifying a network interface (a computer)
is characterized as "exclusive distribution" (unicast)
How to write an IPv4 address
Because a number, in a form as given in the previous paragraph,
it is hard to remember that it has prevailed to be written as follows:
Its digits,
grouped into four sections of one byte and
their respective decimal equivalents shall be indicated,
separated by the adjacent ones with dots.
Thus the previous number 11000000 10101000 00000001 00010010 is written as
This type of writing is referred to as
four-part dotted decimal notation.
In this way writing an IP address to be correct should:
consists of four decimals separated by dots
each number being between zero 0 and 255 (since these are the values that can get an eight-digit binary number - byte, from 0 to 28-1)
Examples of IP addresses:
Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:
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