Ideas Are the New Oil

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I love hearing Naval become so passionate when talking about China. Good to hear some of that fire in him defending what makes the innovation in America so wonderful.


Great segment. 👍 really appreciate you all.


I agree with Naval on almost everything he says in this video. But I think the last part, when he talked about about authoritarian goverments not achieving technological breakthroughs, isn't quite correct. The soviet union collapsed, but it was on the forefront of science and technology. The Naziregime lastet a short period but created a lot of technological innovations as well. It wasn't without a reason that the US and the USSR took all the naziscientists after WW2 into their space programs and nuclear programs. Correct me if I'm wrong.


I want to believe this because I want to believe the “good guys“ always win, that is no guarantee. Larger, less technologically advanced states have crushed smaller, more advanced states all the time in history.

It’s not a given in either direction, but I don’t think we can say with confidence they can never threaten us just because GDP per capita is lower.


I generally agree to your ideas and vision, but at 0:15, i don't agree completely. The age of discovery led to new conceptions of life & death. People don't really explored the unexplored lands for spicies and trade ONLY, & that is documented history. Infact, in that age, evangelisation & colonisation took hand in hand. In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a Papal Bull called "Inter Caetra", which authorised Spain & Portugal to colonise, convert & enslave non-christians. The bull includes the detailing.

Rest part is fantastic. Correct me if I am wrong.


Chinese people have ability to do the same thing like America. China is not better but America is not superior as well. If you look back on the history, they have many inventions but do not want to develop them because they do not have desire like America, just after the world war 2 they woke up and has developed incredibly. America has more individual freedom but its society is more chaotic. The government policy is not consistent because of short presidency (4 year, not 10 year or even more) made its credibility is not good. There is not imitation here, we just have learnt together through long human history.


Just imagine how big the great pyramid would have been if they had democracy!


@naval the Brits copied Dutch ships when they were poorer and were building cheaper goods... and eventually they've become the British empire. That's how a challenger overcomes a (market) leader.


I never saw anybody blasting constructively at China with so much intensity :)


I have a English subtitles this video please, channel creator


It's easy from first glance to use WW2 Nazi/Soviet innovation as a counter to Naval's argument, but I don't think it is. Here's why.

I think the bigger message that Naval is trying to send is "innovation requires freedom to play". And in the scope of all known human history, this is mostly true.

Now an authoritarian government by definition doesn't allow "freedom to play". However, an authoritarian government *DURING WAR* has a reason to remove all restrictions on science and weapons research. This loosening or removal of moral, ethical and environmental regulation is a form of "freedom to play" which leads to innovation.


I think the Underline part is authoritarian world doesn't make sth democratic free society don't know how to make


Meh. The pharaohs were pretty authoritarian. Have the French republics accomplished anything that rivals their monarchist predecessors?

Maybe democracy and relative economic and thought freedom sometimes follow economic and scientific and artistic progress. But I suspect stability, property rights, and certain cultural norms are more important antecedents.
