EMF Concerns - Fact or Fiction? Self-Cell Care and Jim Elvidge of Aulterra

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EMF radiation concerns are not new. However, the addition of 5G has generated even more concern winning the spotlight on the EMF stage. Although 5G is a big concern, it’s also important realize that 5G is still just a variable when it comes to the amount of EMF radiation we’re exposed to on a daily basis whether it’s your cellphone, baby monitors, microwave, headphones, dishwasher, etc. The dangers of EMF radiation exposure is an accumulative effect. It all add’s up over time and when the damage is done it’s extremely difficult to repair the damage if at all. Let’s talk about the fact’s and fiction of EMF radiation.

About our guest... Jim Elvidge

I am very clear about my purpose and that is to bring good to the world in any way possible. I don't see problems or misfortunes, good or bad, but rather infinite opportunities for learning and growth. A balanced Mind, Body, & Spirit is fundamental to our learning and growth and gratitude is key. I strive to apply that toward all of my passions whether it be Music, Health & Nutrition, Technology, Relationships, etc... I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here, to contribute to the world, and to serve the Universe in the highest way possible

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