45 Minutes of sleep Music - Sleep fast Relax and Enjoy

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#relaxing #music
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Necesitamos tu apoyo! Debido a cambios en la política de YouTube, nuestro canal está desmonetizado, pero seguimos creando contenido. ¿Nos ayudas a continuar?
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Peace Love and Relax - Relaxing Music
Please subscribe and support this channel, thank you!
Powerful music to relax, heal your body, soul and mind, music for connect with your inner self, if you practice a little meditation with our music you will experience the power and energy of life you will feel stronger and happier.
Thank you for listening to our music for please subscribe and share with your friends.
Peace and love be with you.
Musica para relajarse con sonidos de la naturaleza, pájaros y un manantial de agua corriendo en un maravilloso bosque .
Espero que lo disfrutes y te suscribas a nuestro canal para mas contenido , Gracias.
By David Renda Feslyanstudio
Рекомендации по теме

People who make great videos like this should get way more attention and recognition!


I listen to this every night since I found it and that was 3 years ago


Very nice video..don knw why views r less..it shud bmore


Thank you so much. In our daily lives i'm sure we are all working/studying and just stressed. With this video I can relax and focus.Thank you for this peaceful video


"In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." – Albert Einstein


@8:17 I'm definitely getting a PS4 vibe, may you all have peaceful slumber
