Junko Vs Joker (Danganronpa Vs DC)

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I think I did it boys and girls, I got my first butthurt feminist comment because Junko lost 😂
Does that mean I'm up in the YouTube community?


Junko wins and joker wins because they would obviously team up


Honestly even if Junko *somehow* kills Joker all that would do is unleash the toxic fumes inside him that created the Batman who laughs and make her even crazier than she already is.


As an anime fan I want to clarify that people complaining about junko destroying the world they should remember that Joker has bigger feats in comics. He played with super beings, outsmarted batman and even stonped the justice league. Comic joker is unbeatable.


The Agent of Chaos vs The Ultimate Despair.


It feels good to see overkill every now and then


It’s Joker. For those bringing up planetary scale manipulation. Joker has done that before. For those that don’t know, Joker and Junko actually have near the exact same end goal for humanity. Junko wants to plunge the world into despair and Joker wants to plunge it into insanity. Joker has actually succeeded before so intelligence-wise even lowballing the Joker he’s at least comparable. The biggest problem is Junko’s ultimate analysis wouldn’t work on Joker. No one can predict Joker, not even Batman, this has been directly stated before. This is primarily due to his absolutely irreparably broken mind. Analysis always fails against him. Even gods fail to comprehend it. She would be outmaneuvered primarily because she wouldn’t be able to predict him even if she studied his actions and truly nonexistent movement patterns beforehand. Also, keep in mind I’m using Joker at his absolute comics bare minimum here to avoid really angering those that want Junko to win. If we used his more plot armor assisted feats, Joker would be much higher. For an example of what he can do, Joker can somehow outmaneuver and outsmart Superman while he was actively using his superhuman senses to see, hear and sense everything on planet Earth at once including him. Keep in mind Superman once looked at a man once and instantly learned his entire life story just off of what he was seeing. Finally, I would like to note that realistically Junko and Joker wouldn’t fight. Junko wouldn’t get any reaction out of Joker and Joker doesn’t really care about anyone outside of Batman and those connected to him. In a realistic meeting between these two they would just team up.


I’m seeing people argue Junko is not only physically stronger than joker but is also a better manipulator… neither of which are true. Junko “surviving” all those punishments is weird because she’s killed pretty easily by the last one which was way more tame than the others. Other than a few people, including Junko, her world did not have a lot of smart people. Joker on the other hand is always outsmarting Batman who is considered one of the smartest characters in dc which is impressive considering characters like Mr Terrific exist. Joker also is no slouch when it comes to physicality. He’s taken multiple beatings from angered Batman, Harley Quinn, and even Bane(all of which possess strength strong enough to pull out and use small trees as baseball bats).


To all those who doubt Joker and think Junko manipulating the world is impressive, Joker can make a better plan than Junko ever will have overnight in a cell. He outsmarted and manipulated a *5TH* dimensional being with vast knowledge beyond even super genius comprehension and Joker managed to penetrate that mind. Junko's feats are everyday warm-ups for Joker. *Despair? Darling, you'll be INSANE before even feeling despair kick in.*
Any mind reader trying to one-up Joker will be stuck in excruciating madness that make even Cthulhu jealous.


Joker: “I can do whatever i want with it!”


The people in the comments know nothing of DC do they


The Joker is just too broken
Bro literally outsmarted a 5 th dimensionsnal imp into giving him 99% of his power(that imp being able to trouble Superman with his questions, Superman being able to comprehend every single action that takes place on earth at the same time)
Plz nerf The Joker, too op


Joker scales to Batman's Town to City lvl durability feats and FTL reactions so obviously he negs


Joker: wins

Junko: it's punishment time for someone


As a woman and a feminist, I don't see anything wrong with saying that Joker would win. This is an opinion.


I favorite Junko in most stuff but joker beats her for sure


I really thought it would be a rap battle


Just a few things, I’m sure joker can jump from high buildings too, and I’m pretty sure he manipulated a god, junko is so overrated lmfao she never has manipulated people smarter then her, joker has manipulated ppl smarter


Junko should get speed because in here execution. Trial she littarly swung the base ball bat so fast


Lemme fix this could might be disaster that peoples for arguing these to much for them.

Junko vs Joker

Well but they decide to win, so that's how it works.
