My TOP 15+ Favorite Tarantulas...for Now

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What are my top 15 favorite tarantulas in my collection? In this video, I attempt to figure it out!

NOTE: This list is only for fun and is not intended to be a "The Best Tarantula Species" list. These are just some personal favorites in my collection at the moment. If I'm being truthful, I love them all!

Also, I usually get the footage of these spiders when I'm doing feeding/cleaning/watering. For ones with dirty bowls, I DID clean them (and in two instances, there were second water dishes with clean water). The G. pulchripes actually has three water dishes because she filled two with dirt. :)

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After so many years of keeping Tarantulas it still fascinates me how much variety there is to them. Makes it even harder to make a choice, doesn't it?😉


I simply cannot do without my Brachyepelma species, I was terrified of spiders so much so that I couldn't even look at spider photos but one day I noticed a B. Smithii & my whole world changed yes I was still scared but there was something about this species that drew me in, I finally plucked up the courage to get one & the more I learnt the more my fear seem to vanish & the more I fell in love with tarantulas now I live with over 100 new world species and I wouldn't have it any other way, they now give me a reason to get out of bed each morning with a smile on my face 😊🤗🕷️


there nothing like a fav spider of all time, this changes all the time even if you do not get new species. just got a l1 pulchripes and waiting for it to grow :)


Such beautiful spiders.... and was so happy to see your Klaasi featured! I live in the Mexican State of Colima and literally can go in my backyard and find them if I look hard enough. I find them to be beautiful, and super calm, having handled several wild ones here (moving them to avoid traffic, constructions, etc), and haven't even got a single kick. I take great pride in my Home State T!


I adore my juvie G Pulchripes - he comes to the front of the enclosure every morning/afternoon/evening when I'm checking on them all. He is so docile - he's beautiful


OH MY The stout leg!!! SO I WISH I could find them! Glad to see your phormict in the list, my girl is so * spirited* I dont know how yours is calm LOL. The little Purple teleporting Hooker, .. that is her name


Hey Tom, I’ve listened through all the podcasts during my landscaping shifts, been awesome to learn so much. All I can say is please keep them coming!


Top 3 from my collection are, Grammastola so Maule, Xenethis sp Blue and Grammastola Pulcra. Also love my Balfouri group too. I'm raising two tiny Klassi slings, and Brachy Emilia's are a firm favourite as well. Enjoyed the video, cheers Tom and Billie 😊


You have a fabulous collection Tom. Give hugs to the gorgeous Billie from me. It’s lovely to be back.


My chalcodes is fasting right now and has been for months! They are also one of my favorites. Second tarantula I ever got.


Awesome list Tom, glad to see the N. tripepii at least got an honourable mention from yourself (it’s probably my all time favourite species :D).

Like you my favourites change a lot, but 3 that are always up there for me are my Thrixopelma cyaneolum cause it’s docile and very curious (like you mentioned in the vid, it’s one of those ‘clever’ spiders that will come and investigate things rather than running away… oh and it’s blue, gotta love blue T’s), my AF Brachypelma albiceps cause it’s just the most gorgeous pet rock ever, and the tripepii as previously mentioned, cause it’s huge and absolutely wrecks it’s prey!


I had to double take on when the video was released . I was sure i had already seen it but it was the podcast a few weeks back. You did say back then your list would change 😂 anyway thanks for the video version it was great . 😂


Gorgeous spiders and a few more to my wishlist. We just got a Davus Pentaloris and Hapalopus Sp Columbia over the weekend, and they are gorgeous! My A. Chalcodes is still my favorite overall. Something about the forbidden kiwi that is just so cute.


Such a fun video! Hope you enjoyed making it as much as I enjoyed watching it!


Great timing with the vid! I'm going to the reptile show in Anaheim tomorrow to pick up more Ts. Always happy to add more species to my list 😆👍


Thank you Tom ! I really enjoy videos like this . I only have one on your list . T apophysis . Crap . I'm gonna need a bigger house .


I just picked me up a Juvi Theraphosa Stirmi. love the big spiders.


Just got 3 auratum slings and one Pamphobeteus yesterday (unboxing and rehousing on YT this sunday). It always amazes me how those small brownish dwarfs turn into those beautiful 8-legged horror hamsters. You definitely have a lot more species to choose from, but if I had to choose favourites I would propably go for the P. rufilata, Ephebopus murinus and Encyocratella olivacea... but that list changes all the time, since every spider has something awesome and fascinating.

Good watch, great list and awesome footage.


Mine is my carabena versicolor. I'm currently cleaning, listening to your video, and she's so frecking beautiful. Just hanging out in perfect lighting. Drawing me eye non stop


I can't argue with any of your picks. Some I'd totally be up for. Others, not so much.

Well... given I've only got 4, it's basically impossible to choose a veritable favorite. Instead... I'd say I like each for different reasons.

B. boehmei : My oldest in my collection, raised her up from a 1.5" unsexed juvie. She's probably close or over 6" now. Raising her up to adulthood has been one of my most rewarding experiences in my life. Her colors are simply mind-blowing.
B. hamorii : 2nd oldest T and this was the species I wanted the most when I started the hobby since it's the ultimate Hobby Icon. I'm pretty sure this one STILL hasn't reached its adult size. She'll likely outlive the other 3.
G. porteri : 3rd oldest T. I'm pretty sure this girl was one of the last WC picks from my LPS before Chile began to stop exporting them. Of my foursome, she is my calmest. She never gave me a threat pose in all the years.... and here's what I really love about her : Unlike most of her kind, she does NOT fast ! She's always up for crickets until she's dur for a molt.
T. albopilosus : 4th and final one. At first, I just didn't get their appeal at all. She was a rescue when someone bored of her dropped her off at the LPS. I just happened to stop by for crickets and the staff let me have her for FREE ! Over the years, I've come to appreciate her unique looks and her voracious appetite.

Eventually I'd love a B. klaasi, G. pulchripes and A. chalcodes of my own.

Stay safe and thanks for sharing :)
