How To Play HMS Monarch In World Of Warships

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The Monarch is what the King George V would have been had naval treaties not put a premium on ship displacement. The only differences between the two ships in game is concealment (thanks to the T8 concealment module), AA (thanks to Bofors instead of pompoms) and the 15" guns. Frankly... the upgrades aren't worth the time. This ship is at best a sidegrade from KGV, if not a downgrade. I do NOT care for this ship and am glad to be rid of it for other ships! It's most redeeming quality is the concealment range being a rather amazing 10.9km... the downside is the guns don't allow you to effectively engage beyond that range and the ship just gets decimated at that range without good support.
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Great vid Whiskey, this generally proves how WG screwed up the British BBs and why so many players hate facing them in battle.
They're either crap or ridiculously OP, as well as why so many players wanted to see HMS Vanguard as the T8 ship.
Personally I think WG should've stuck with having 3×3 15in guns as an upgrade option on the KGV like they did with the Friedrich and the GK(though historically the Kriegsmarine disliked triple turrets on battleships), kept the Lion at T9 and used the incomplete G3 and N3 designs of the 1920's as the basis for the T10 ship.


Glad to hear this review; I was extremely frustrated with this ship the whole time I was grinding up.


Ouch, just got this ship. You're confirming my first impressions.

Playing hull A it feels really sluggish. The turns are slow and the ship loses a lot of speed in a turn.

Dispersion has been a problem. Only effective once targets are in the 10km range.


I have 52 ships and this is my favorite BB out of 20.


I like the KGV better too, but used the concealment and Islands to get into good positions. Surprised quite a few Minos and Neptunes.


I totally agree with you Peacekeeper. I never play this sucker!


Damn I just bought it and now I'm watching the review destroying my hopes ... :(


Those 6 barreled AA-mounts were found to be nearly useless in actual combat. They ended up replacing them as soon as they could.


i wholeheartedly agree with the review. I hated this ship and sold it the instant I researched the Lion. Unfortunately I'm still saving free XP for the Missouri so I played this thing through stock to the full grind to nine. I hated this ship. I loved the Iron Duke and KGV. KGV is quirky, but once you figure her out, shes a good boat. The Monarch is just a turd. The proverbial "paywall." The AA on Monarch is good until the first HE shells hit and then all of a sudden, all of your AA mounts are dead. The shells suck. The guns suck. The concealment is good. That's the only good thing. Playing a stock Lion is a revelation compared to this lump.


Agreed. I'm happy when I see that it's not just me. I've decided to free XP my way through it. That's what I save my free XP for anyways, upgrading modules to avoid playing ships stock, and skipping terrible ships. Basically avoiding painful game play haha


Just got this ship. It doesn't seem to bad. To the Captains who will have to play her, I say don't be disheartened. I'm having fun playing it, and it is my first non-premium T8.


Thanks for the warning about the Monarch, i am curently at QE which i like even thought it fall a bit short next to Warspite in my opinion.


well...i think this ship should be ok... I am still at kgv, but my armor can constantly bounce shells from like Fredrich and izumo and Iowa... I always keep an eye on them and try to angle properly...So I think monarch should be fine... I only fire maybe 1 AP salvo of 100 and I always rely on fire...


I'd rather have the KGV w/ 32mm of bow armor at tier 8 to fight tier 10's than this ship... And you still don't get that RN BB heal until the next tier!
My biggest beef with this ship was the range and gun performance...


just to carifiy there was an HMS Monarch in WWI  it was a BB and its configuration was a 5 turret double barrel, 2 in the front 2 in the back and 1 in the middle


with the way the fire mechanic works these days, I can't NOT take DC2. Burn enough with it anyway. Steering would mean more burn time.


I love her my self and peace keepers her guns shoot just fine . her AP needs more Pen I'll give you that


I think you meant QE and Hood's AP being the worst in the game. Warspite doesn't get that weird British AP pen stuff


i found that trying to grind through the York (Which should not be T7, btw) is almost as bad as trying to grind through the Myogi, and that was a horrible enough of an experience as it was. :/


Don't you love being spotted by invisible planes?


Heh. Seems I'm the only one here like the Monarch and Queen Elizabeth. The reason your shell keep inconsidtent damage is you keep aim at the belt of BB's armor. Don't aim there, focus on superstructure and you will snatch consistent damage in no time. ( Tbh this is the result from the whole line people just spam HE non stop when they bump into these they just don't know how to handle, then call them shit) ;)
