Road to the Conqueror: HMS Monarch

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other vocal talents included my parrot.

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British BB AP has a shorter fuse then normal BB AP, its 0.2sec instead of 0.333 sec soo when you shoot it at waterline at medium to long range and you hit the torpedo belt or first leyer of armor (usualy thickest part of armor) it detonates to early doing wery little to no dmg, to PEN with brits aim just above the middle of the ships hull you will not citadel but it will do pen dmg 10 to 20k depending on target. At close range (6km or closer) brawls it dosnt matter you can citadel ships with it if they dont have turtleback armor. IFHE is a bad idea since you already have 1/4 of gun caliber pen instead of normal 1/6 pen with 15 +inch caliber guns (thats why RN HE is so good it dosnt just set fires it also does great superstructure dmg regardless of angle) and you can pen even thickest deck armor at any range or angle, or mybe that was a notser pun and i got it wrong XD


You should load AP more? It's wonderful. I get 140k-180k games quite frequently without using HE at all. Monarchs HE is pretty meh compared to KGV.


monarch an qe ap is horreondous against bb's, but not under 7/8 km. at point blank they're better and you can still citadel but at every km added to the distance they become worse and worse
