Energy bills to rise by more than £800 in October

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Energy bills are set to go up by more than £800 this autumn - as the regulator warned that the price cap is likely to hit £2,800 in October.

Ofgem's boss described soaring gas prices as a "once in a generation event" - made even more acute by Russia's war in Ukraine.

Campaigners say - millions more people will be thrust into what is known as “fuel stress” - forced to choose between paying for food or heating their homes.

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The cost of living dilemma seems to be a global issue, yet it has gotten worse in the UK due to the rise in the cost of many commodities. The government, in my opinion, has the power to lower electricity prices, but for some reason, I don't think they are worried about what the average person would do in these strangely difficult circumstances.


How healty is the economy really when 14 million households are in danger of losing energy for their homes?


DON'T PAY YOUR ENERGY BILL We need to make a stand


It is OBVIOUS that there needs to be a tier system for the cost of energy, the less you have the less you pay per unit cost!!!! We have the poorest paying the same unit cost for a kilowatt hour that multi-millionaires and billionaires are paying and it is clearly NOT


I'd like to revoke my british citizenship and move to Rwanda please.


Shell 93 pence BP 88 pence why such big difference we are being conned and fleeced. I feel sorry for those who have to travel to work luckily i am retired and need to use my car much


"green" energy projects have caused a lot of this by the way


The energy crisis payments is in installments of £66 starting in October no one will get the full amount this winter which isnt right people need the full amount this winter


“If only I had a job that paid more… If only I were born with a bottomless trust fund … If only I could afford a bigger house…”

So many of us live in a perpetual state of wanting more—more money, more shiny new toys, more things. And we chase those material possessions with more gusto than we pursue what’s been empirically shown to increase happiness: more gratitude, more experiences, and more time.

What gives? Research shows that rich people aren’t any happier day-to-day than the rest of us. In fact, many are more stressed and spend less time doing enjoyable activities.

Come on people.. who cares ?


Something is wrong the oil price has been higher before but we never had this. I smell a rat


Yet again the Tories are blaming the Ukraine war as an excuse. All this started way before the war, also the UK import only 5% of gas from Russia so that excuse doesn't wash I'm afraid.


we're so lucky, so many once in a generation events!


Same here in Germany... many people couldn't pay their energy bill in autumn.... but the rich getting richer every day.... why is energy so expensive....?. We feeling with you english sisters and brothers we are one tribe... 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🙏🇩🇪


The price rise can't be needed if the energy companies are making record profit


These people don't give a damn about the poor and low paid. But come October there will likely be civil unrest in this country that will make anything before it seem like a nice little picnic. There must be immediate action to drastically reduce energy costs based on ability to pay!!!


Energy production should be a priority for the government. Instead, the Tories sold it all off under the guise of privatisation and now we have a cartel extorting the British people. The government also cut funding for renewables and took us out of the EU where we had cheaper prices as part of a trading block. This is a serious situation that has been allowed to happen by our reliance on other nations to meet much of our energy needs. Completely avoidable if we were self-sufficient in energy...


What a country! What a government! What a system!


49 BILLIONS in fraudulent contract not pursued in law - a decision made by Sunak. THAT might go some way to alleviating the problem. 35 billion not collected in tax and customs and extra paperwork due to leaving the SM and CU. THAT would help wouldn't it? Windfall tax - BP already said that it would not hurt either the company nor the investors.


Gas is very cheap at the moment. The problem is we have nowhere to store it. Tories sold it off years ago and now blaming it on Ukraine.


Yet Brits are expected to celebrate the jubilee of a wealthy woman from a family who lives off tax payer Money
