2-Minute Neuroscience: Benzodiazepines

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Benzodiazepines are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders and sleep disorders. They are thought to exert their effects in the brain by acting at receptors for the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA. In this video, I cover the the mechanism of action for benzodiazepines.


Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this installment I will discuss benzodiazepines.

Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs named for their chemical structure that are commonly used to treat anxiety disorders and sleep-related disorders. They include well-known drugs like valium, xanax, and klonopin. There are dozens of drugs in the benzodiazepine class, but the mechanism by which they all exert their effects is thought to be similar.

The sedating and anxiety-reducing effects of benzodiazepines are believed to be attributable to the drugs’ actions at receptors for the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyic acid, or GABA. In particular, benzodiazepines act at a subtype of GABA receptors called the GABAa receptor; GABAa receptors that also bind benzodiazepines are sometimes called benzodiazepine receptors.

When benzodiazepines bind, or attach, to the GABA receptor, they bind at a location separate from where GABA itself binds, and exert an influence over GABA binding. This type of action is called an allosteric effect, and in the case of benzodiazepines it results in increased action at the GABA receptor. There is not complete consensus on exactly how benzodiazepine binding affects activity at the GABA receptor but there is evidence to suggest that it increases the likelihood that GABA binding will activate the receptor and/or increases the effect that GABA has when it binds to the receptor.

That effect is to open an ion channel and allow the passage of negatively charged chloride ions into the neuron. This influx of negatively charged ions pushes the membrane potential further from zero, or hyperpolarizes it, and makes it less likely the neuron will fire an action potential. This type of neural inhibition is the basis for the effects of benzodiazepines, for by inhibiting the activity of neurons that make up networks involved with anxiety and arousal, the drugs are able to produce calming effects.


Gielen MC, Lumb MJ, Smart TG. Benzodiazepines modulate GABAA receptors by regulating the preactivation step after GABA binding. J Neurosci. 2012 Apr 25;32(17):5707-15. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5663-11.2012.

Möhler H, Fritschy JM, Rudolph U. A new benzodiazepine pharmacology. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Jan;300(1):2-8.
Рекомендации по теме

Keep doing this. Doing neuroscience in medicine this term and your videos have saved me this term. You are a life saver <3


Note to public: You should not take benzos for longer than a week to two weeks because you can easily develop a dependency on them and it will be very difficult for most to get off. They are great for on the spot anxiety busters like before a medical procedure or a panic attack, but I would highly caution against further use. They are a nightmare to get off, for so many. There are people who stop taking them and are fine, but you don't want to risk finding out which one you are. Russian Roulette.


Revision time. Yes this precious 2 min time is what I need.


I don't work in medical industry but I'm interested about this issue so so much I accidentally found your channel THANK YOU SO MUCH❤


This helps with my severe anxiety and overwhelming negative thoughts.

I actually feel normal when taking them.


For anyone taking benzodiazepines DO NOT quit cold turkey. You need to taper off very slowly or you could face a withdrawal that has the potential to kill you or cause seizures. It happened to me. Benzo withdrawal is hell and you must taper.


Dude this was extremely useful. Thanks for this, really.


I've been 23 years on Xanax but still my doctor knows better than me what type of effects they have although he's never taken a single Xanax or benzo pill himself. Year after year he insisted they had no harmful effect on me, cause he knew best. I stopped a year ago and have been in hell ever since. "See? You better take Xanax, you obviously need it" is my docs response. The loss of body control and the constant fear of everything and anything is the worst. The tremors, muscle dystonia, muscle tension from hell, feeling of being electrocuted etc etc etc.


i just got diagnosed with GAD and this video really helped me. Thank you so much for your 2 minute videos!


I never comment on Youtube videos, but I will do so now because your channel literally is sooo great. I appreciate your videos :D


Maybe think about doing a 2 Minute Neuroscience on each of the Cranial Nerves? (Have a Neuroscience exam in 5 hours so these have been a great last minute update!) Keep up the great work!


Ha just took a benzodiazepine and this popped up in my recommended list


Who is here after Jordan Peterson recovered?


Why does YouTube have so many negative comments on any drug? If it helps, it helps long term or temporarily. Everyone is made aware of the side effects and dependency, so it is fine.
Please post positive comments on alternatives and how to lean off it.


I really appreciate these videos, neuroscience is very interesting but can be confusing at time and these videos help me understand


Benzos were great until I stupidly mixed alcohol with klonopin over a weeks time and I turned into a crazy psycosis and then the wothdrawl from klonopin was miserable. It took me over 3 weeks to start to almost feel back to somewhat normalish. I only took bemzos for a month and a half, but obviously mixing them with alcohol is a horrible idea.


They are literally the best medication for anxiety the problem is your tolerance grows quickly so I wouldn’t advice anyone taking them longer then 2 weeks max


Watching this after taking a tablet of Alprazolam (Xanax).
I was curious to know how it helps me fall asleep..


OMG thx for helping me with my pharmacology homework!!! <3


This channel is a hidden gem. Not just any gem, like the most valuable and expensive gem. You guys deserve thousands of more subs and views. Maybe expand the channel to Biologically Challenged or Anatomically Challenged? idk hahaha i figure a less niche channel would attract more viewers.
