Art Vending Tips to Make $1,000+ a Day at Street Fairs

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I sell at fairs, festivals and flea markets and these are some really great tips. The only things I would add are bring really bright lights for events that run into the night time hours. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been at a festival with 50 other vendors and after the sun goes down it’s me and 1-2 other vendors swamped with customers because we’re brightly lit up. I use 2-4 5000 lumen shop lights for a 10x10 tent. Also avoid sitting down especially when a customer is at your booth. I keep a fold up stool IncaseI need to rest for a few minutes but I stand 99% of the time. For some reason people are more likely to buy from you when your standing. I also like to use a cash register so I can give receipts and keep plenty of change on hand you don’t want to lose the first sale of the day because you don’t have change for a $100 bill. One more thing is keep your merchandise clean. Some events can be in areas with lots of dust and dirt in the air I always carry a small 3 gallon air compressor with me and use it to blow the dust and dirt off my merchandise and tables at those events. It makes cleaning super fast and easy


This was one of the best videos I ever watched in regards to giving tips about selling art outdoors or at pop up shops! Seriously, most people spend 5+ minutes sharing tips that don’t apply or don’t help. You didn’t do that and I appreciate you!🎉


So, for someone that appears so young, you are very wise. I'm much older than you but very new to selling my art. Your video has been very helpful! Thank you for sharing, inspiring and, honestly, mentoring. Best wishes!!! Tamara


Thank you so much for all the advice you gave to artists that want to start their own art booths.


I'm getting ready for my first art fair in two weeks. I'm really nervous but so thankful for these videos. I've downloaded a bunch. Thànks.


I’m a little late to the video here but I want to say this is fantastic advice. One thing I will say is that everything depends on where you live and sell, your clientele. You wouldn’t take portraits to sell at a dog show, for example. Older folks would provide a certain market and you might sell few cartoon-like prints there but sell lots of florals or landscapes. So it’s worth considering. But your ideas are very well considered and worked through. I’m glad I stumbled into this video.


Thank you so much for this. I’m a new artist. I don’t sell at fairs yet. But it’s something I’m considering. & It’s so true about not treating prospects as just sales transactions. Because when I go to fairs, I might see something I really like. But some sellers actually give me a vibe that they only “turn on” for people they think are most likely to buy. & It feels unwelcoming & rude. It makes ME turn off & move on to a friendly, welcoming seller. Thanks again.❤️😁


Nice content. This reminds me of when i used to sell candies and fruits and anything really in school. I made more money in school than as an adult! I lived in the country with less people so gave up. But now that im in the city i can start back with more customers!


The 100 people project was so cool!! I might attempt something similar if that’s okay
I’ll totally credit where I got the idea of course


This is the first time your videos have stumbled into my feed... and BOY... am I glad it did!!! Of all the videos out there that make suggestions as to how to sell your art; this one was EXCELLENT. Very simple, yet realistic ideas that could easily be put to use. I have been contemplating selling at markets, but it just seemed too daunting. This video has put me at ease. Thank you KINDLY! (:


I watched this video about a month ago, and last weekend I made $1100 at an 8 hour event 🤯 if it wasn’t for this video I would have shot way lower in my mind. I immediately thought of you. I followed almost everything to a T and it actually worked. Thank you so much for the advice and inspiration 🙏🏽 now I have a viable art print business 🥲


I love the tip about opening two or more sides of the booth for more visibility!


this is all very helpful, I was recently at a show and will definitely be taking your advice!


Love your content, Kayla! You are incredibly inspiring! 😎🙏🏾


Excellent marketing advice! Thanks. I love the 100 people painting - so clever.


This was so helpful thank you!! I’m having my first table soon. Unfortunately I don’t have a ton of money to make prints but I’ll at least have some.


Thanks for the tips Kayla. I agree that one of the best things about selling at markets is the conversations I have with people. I’m a card crafter, so my price per item is small. ($5 for a standard card). I don’t have prices on my individual items; I print and frame an A3 list of prices. I can easily edit and reprint as I add items. I offer a discount for bulk purchases. I also have several favourites in my Square reader library. It’s easy to see at the end of the day what I have sold most of. I also add in cash sales to my square reader so I know the total sales. (Not recommended if you are trying to ‘hide’ cash sales!)


Aww you’re so welcome and thanks so much! ❤🎉


Thanks for sharing these helpful tips, Kayla Carlile Art! Your artwork is amazing!


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Such great tips . Thank you for wanting to share these!
