Lethal Company Survival Guide - All Monsters & Equipment

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Merry Christmas! Lethal Company has launched update 45, a festive expansion complete with two new enemies and tons of game play features. Join us as we understand how to survive the monsters and threats of Lethal Company, as well as how to use each piece of equipment to survive every moon!

Music used:
"A Party To My Death" - @ImIzar
Lethal Company Soundtrack
Faster Than Light Soundtrack
Minecraft Soundtrack Volume Beta
Minecraft Soundtrack Volume Alpha
Risk of Rain 2 Soundtrack
Hollow Knight Soundtrack
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Soundtrack
Doom (2016) Soundtrack

Thanks to my friends for joining me to make this video possible:
Dark, Feduk, Lone, as well as:

Special thanks to the Patrons and Channel Members:

Mr American
Jango Bango
Darth Arbiter
Elite Eater

*There's an issue with the text for the Nutcracker section, ignore that text, I'll be firing my editor (me) for this issue, here is the correct table for your information:

- Patrols sections of the facility with a shotgun
- Enters sentry mode, will fire at moving players during this mode
- One shots adjacent crew mates with kick attack
- Reloads in between shots: Good window for attack
- Kill-able by shovel while in combat mode

0:00 Intro
0:59 Apology
1:20 General Survival
4:31 Equipment
12:13 Moons - Weather
15:16 Moons - Inside the Facilities
17:27 Moons - All 8 Moons Explained
20:48 Surviving Every Monster
37:48 Outro

#lethalcompany #lethalcompanyclips #lethalcompanygameplay
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Did you survive through the video? Drop your own survival tips below!
Merry Christmas, and thanks for watching!
Edit: The Nutcracker table entry has an error, I will be firing my editor (me) for this mistake.
- Patrols sections of the facility with a shotgun
- Enters sentry mode, will fire at moving players during this mode
- One shots adjacent crew mates with kick attack
- Reloads in between shots: Good window for attack
- Kill-able by shovel while in combat mode


You forgot to mention that the boombox causes slimes to move extremely fast towards the player but stop moving next to them in a 'friendly' state (can still hurt you if you touch it but it wont try to kill you) so you can lure it into a dead end to trap it easier.


He’s absolutely correct about the masked spinning in a circle one of my crewmates stupidly, put the mask on because they didn’t know what it did while my other teammates were on the other side of the facility getting ready to exit I was watching the camera at the time, and after a short while saw that the masked player was spinning. I thought it was the guy signaling that he wanted to be teleported, so like a good teammate I teleported him only to be slaughtered


From what I’ve heard with the ghost girl is she won’t go into hunting mode if you don’t look back to see her when she appears


Quick note regarding Rend, along the way to the facility (about halfway there) you will find a small cabin to the left of the guiding rope. If you go inside, you can turn on the lights too. It's a small beacon of safety in-between the ship and the facility as giants can't get you in there.


I have 200 hours in Lethal, here are some things that I have seen I do not agree with, have something to add to:
1. Lightning does not strike periodically and can strike the same object around 3 times in 5 seconds if you are unlucky
2. Stormy is the most terrifying weather even above Eclipsed, as lightning may just strike even without carrying any metallic objects. The chance might seem small, but the 11 times I got struck without metallic objects speak for themself.
3. Monsters inside the facility ONLY spawn from open vents. These are marked on the map as red stripes. Closed vents can't open and open vents do not necesserilly mean that a monster has spawned. Do be carefull walking by open vents though as they may spawn monsters at any time.
4. Teleportation also kills Snare Fleas
5. Killing spiders using railings is an option, but another way is to just find a relativly long hallway and to constantly hit the spider while walking backwards.
6. Using boomboxes makes them go very quickly, I approximated it at about 250% speed.
7. Coil-Heads do not insta kill and how the attack works is like this: They are very fast! When you do not look at them they will aproach you and make noise which is only hearable very close to death! When they arrive behind you, they first bring you to critical health, but that is actually not prompted to the player, unless they see the coil head before it kills them, the time between the actual kill and that critical phase is about o.2 seconds but I do not know the actual number.
8. There are 2 different kinds of critical, bleeding and not. While bleeding, players are unable to sprint and jump. Coil-Heads bring you down to Critcal but not bleeding. (Unless previous damage has been taken)
9. It is possible to lose Coil-Heads. Close a door between you and the Coil-Head back off and when you now turn a corner and run, the Coil-Head actually does not know your location and will start to wander
10. Thumpers should be killed ASAP in Update 45 (Update 47 which is soon to release changes that slightly) as when a thumper sees someone it will start picking up speed until it has hit someone or got hit itself. (Yes, it has a max speed) This means, killing a Thumper shoudl be done sooner, rather than later, to prevent making your life far harder, fighting against a full speed thumper.
11. Jesters. Jesters are annoying but here are a few things to do:
11.1: Jester stalling. You are cornered, there is nowhere to run and you have no way of contacting your teammate. BUT you have a way of stalling the Jester. The Jester will always have 1 priotity kill during its opened phase, which it will hutn down relentlessly, until it can't pathfind to that player. If you are that player, simplay go into a location the jester cannot kill you in, wait for a bit to make it run towards your team, go out of the spot to make it come back, rinse repeat. Your team will either rescue you using a teleporter, or if you have none, you will sacrifivce yourself at the end so the Jester returns to a docile search state.
11.2: Avoiding. After a Jester has opened for the first time, it will always be in the facility. Avoid it for as long as possible until it starts playing again, so you can maximize looting even with its presense in the facility.
12. Eyeless dogs are easy to avoid. They have 3 phases:
12.1: Patrol. During patrol Eyeless Dogs wander on predtermined areas on each moon, they will NEVER enter the ship in this state.
12.2: Search. During search Eyeless Dogs WALK towards the location they heard a sound, including the ship. After some time, if they did not hear anything, they will return to patrol. This mode can be used for baiting dogs out of the way to make your way back to the ship easier.
12.3: Attack. In attack a dog will first let out a roar, indicating this phases activation, this roar atracts nearby dogs to also enter attack and run towards the sound. In attack dogs will slide accross the ground in a linear path, making attacks easy to avoid, you can rodeo the dogs like a matador or simply dodge and crouch and build up distance crouched to avoid the dog.
12.4: Shop-Luring. Shop-Luring involves buying an item to activate the drop pot. The msuic attracts ALL dogs and will make them enter attack, running towards its location making the way back the ship easier.
12.5: Dogfart. Do not question the name. It involves using a Whoopie Cushion to infinitly distract dogs. Simply lay a Whoopie Cushion anywhere in the patrol area, and after a dog steps over it, it will be aggressive, investigating the sound, reactivating the cushion, making it attack, reactivating the cushion etc.etc.
WARNING!!!! This may happen in your ship, so put any Whoopie Cushions you have in the cupboard!
12.6: Dogshredding. Killing the dogs at the ship, has its ups and downs, but generally a very effective strategy. Use a boombox or other sounds to atract dogs to the ship, close the door and have 2 people stand at the door wels in either corner at the closed door. You can hit the dogs through the door and kill them, retreat when the door is at about 15%and wait for the door to recover before repeating until dogs are dead.
13. Forest Keepers/Giants are deaf, the horn can't attract them, so they are deaf.
14. Never actually seperate bees and hives, as this will just lead to very terrible outcomes


Pro tip: You don't have to sell all your scrap each quota. Just sell what you need to make the quota and buy what you want for the next moon, and keep the rest of the scrap for the next quota.


A more subtle thing to look out for.
If you are monitoring Masked crew member, it can do things a living player would not do.
It can walk in a straight line while spinning. Really hard to do that with WASD and mouse.
The spinning is also a constant speed.


28:23 I guess now the Eyeles Dogs can hear the walkie-talkie. My friend died with his walkie-talkie turned on. I noticed on the map that when I started talking, one Eyeless Dog approached his body. We started using this as a strategy to lure them.


the ghost girl can only spawn behind you, and she begins chasing you after a complex mess of numbers involving how many times she has stared at you and how many times you've looked at her. if you have your back to a wall, she cannot spawn at all. if you get cues that she's spawned, flickering lights etc., don't turn around. obviously, a bracken or coil-heads can make this difficult


I have actually sold a friend's body for those 5 extra and we were 4 under quota with no more loot, it's always a clutch moment 😂


I’ve had multiple people left behind because they spun in circles and looked like they had died, because the masked often do this


For all y’all interested in making your experience far scarier, there is a mimic/skinwalker mod, and it is GENIUS. It will take audio from your microphone (automatically detecting speech instead of background noise) and use AI to make you say things, even if you never said the phrase yourself. They do not need to be close to pick up on your audio (AKA they ignore proximity chat), they do try to manipulate you, and they do try to kill you.

The mimics really only work on multiplayer (otherwise it’s obvious that your own voice saying things you never said is not you). But if you’re ever separated from your friends, you might just hear one of them say “Hey, come over here!” only to be greeted by a mimic down the hall. They will say things like “I think I got it to work”, which is to trick players into thinking their dead friend somehow found a way to revive themselves. They can try manipulating you through directions by saying “Hey, turn left here!” at intersections. I am also fairly certain they can pick up on names and associate them with certain players after enough conversation has occurred between the actual crew, and eventually pick up on personalities as well, but both of these require a lot of time spent on a moon (and I might be completely wrong). I do know they have a lot of scripted things to say, but I think they can make stuff up as well.

And people outside aren’t safe too. Crew who stay at the ship can occasionally hear a mimic say “I’m heading back now” or whatever, mimicking another crew’s voice, and if you have the mod turned on then this crew member should double check the monitors or risk letting the mimic into the ship.

Finally, be aware of your friends themselves! Not because they are actually dangerous, but one of my buds (jk it was me) likes to wander off to “go collect loot”, go silent, and start stalking the other crew to fuck with them, saying things in a robotic voice. It turns into a “boy who cried wolf” situation because then they encounter a real mimic and think “Dude, c’mon, cut it out and fuck off!” and then die XD


Due to mask enemies spinning in circles to try and trick you into teleporting them onto the ship, I would reckon turning back and forth 180 degrees instead of a full 360 would be more beneficial in letting your teammates know you are in danger


Just as a tip, you can easily solo the nuttycracker, after it starts scanning, hit it with the shovel from an angle where the eye is not looking and it will go into aggro phase, after that just bait the 2 shots, you can do this by walking into the nutcracker sight and retreating into a wall, and after 2 shots, it will start reloading, so you can use that time to get some hits, then just repeat and boom, dead


A nice thing about the jetpack is that you can use it to ferry heavy equipment like shovels and zap guns to the entrance for your team so that they can get there without being weighed down.

Other uses involve ferrying back 1-handed loot, and distracting and out running Giants so that they don't target they rest of your team.


It should be noted that the jester actively gets faster and faster the more it is active. Trying to get away by maneuvering will simply make it much harder to escape because it will eventually become too fast to ever outrun. This can be seen on Dine with the pillars where hopping back and forth will cause the Jester to chase you and speed up to "Sonic the Hedgehog" levels of speed.


missed info
- used stun grenades can be used to detonate mines by throwing it to the mine (this can be done infinitely).
- you can technically have max 8 shots of shotgun in your inventory, but you also need 4 fully loaded shotguns 😂
- loud horn can be heard even in the facility, it can also attract dogs to the ship. This can be used for a team wide signal or something
- boombox makes noise... can be used to attract dogs while your team goes back to the ship. i think it can also be used to divert who the jester is targeting. I saw a clip where jester changed target just cause the other player nearby is more noisy.
- signal translator can be used to send a short message to every crewmate, basically a better loud horn without the noise.


Also a neat trick you can do during Stormy to make hauling items back to ship is to abuse the viewmodel. Lightning will strike at the spark of your viewmodel, which is different for each item (example, the spark will happen on the key itself, and on the shovel its near the center). If unarmed, the game will place it akin to your last carried item.

You can clip the spark through a tall object (like a wall, and even a tree works), and make the lightning strike the top of the object. So say you're holding a key and its about to be zapped. As the spark for the key is directly on top of it, you basically hold the key's viewmodel inside the tall object. If done correctly, the lightning will strike the top of the object, and you won't die.
This isn't only convenient and faster, but its also extremely useful when dealing with Forest Keepers, as you're not forced to leave cover.


6:55 Slight correction, the Dine fire exit is easiest with the use of an extension ladder, however, it can be done consistently without one. The jump is tight, and you need a bit of stamina but I've learned the placement and timing well enough to get it consistent, so if you need to penny-pinch and you want to go to the Dine fire exit, don't waste your $60 and look up a video on how to do it.
