Most Distant Galaxy Found Using Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes | ESA Science HD Video

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Video Credit: NASA / ESA / G. Bacon
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From what I have read: the " Big Bang " theory was expressed in the 1920's before the first Hubble telescope. At that time, the Milky Way was thought to be the only galaxy. An object would need to travel near the speed of light to be 13 billion light years away. If an object was traveling that fast, at best, we could only detect it as infrasound ( and that would be drowned out by other closer sources ). There are more pieces to the puzzle and the puzzle is much bigger than people dare to dream.


It takes a very long time ppl pfft! Its pretty cool i think!!


The mind cannot comprehend such vastness


Aint that just unreal. Zooming into stars like that means that someone has analysed every star in the foreground, then they have gone on their merry way into the next load of dazzling stars and analysed them too. Damn it'd make you dizzy. So then when you do finally get to that mystery galaxy you find even more stars surrounding it and more and more stars surrounding them and suddenly something catches your eye. Beside some of the stars which look like diamonds on a velvet sheet you find yourself shocked. Guess what? Yep you got it, you see a door. Its outline is feint but its there. Extremely shocked you say "What the hell." Then whilst reaching for it you turn the handle. "Is this Heaven." you think to yourself? Could it be a way in. Wow, "I wonder what Heaven looks like. How cool is God to have etched a back door into Heaven." So then you slowly turn the handle, and as you open it there in front of you is more stars. ha ha


wtf they just circle a random spot . who would ever choose this random spot to look for . weird


If the vastness confounds you, then perhaps you are starting to see God. This is his wonderful creation :)
