What Happened To Jax In Episode 2? - The Amazing Digital Circus

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This video shows what happened with Jax in episode 1 and 2 and how he changed for the worse but hopefully later will have better character development
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I think another fact that he’s a jerk, is that since they live in a simulation, Jax believes there’s no consequences to his actions since everything is all fake


Jax is just the average online player that would skip the tutorial and head right into action while cyber bullying the other players.


I think Jax and Ragatha are examples of how different people play videogames. Ragatha is a roleplayer who enjoys playing along with the stories. Jax is a murder-hobbo who treats everything like GTA because he sees none of it as being real. He's like all those people in Tears of the Kingdom that built devices to torture korroks.


Its confirmed that the circus members CANNOT feel pain, they can only feel pain by glitches aka abstractions


6:31 is so true, Ragatha acts like a mother for all the members, remember when they saw the candy princess? She got excited and told Pomni like how a mother would react if they saw their child's favorite character! It's such a great detail


He DIDN'T change. He just didn't have any way to be a war criminal in episode 1.


"Jax respects Zooble"

Jax: *uses Zooble's arm as a backscratcher*


Gooseworks: “jax is a mean person.” Jax: (leave people to die multiple times, bullies the other members, physically hurts kinger and gangle, kicks an npc in the pilot) fandom: “Jax is the best boy he can’t do no wrong.” Jax:(acts the same in episodes 2) Fandom: “why is Jax different he not this mean.”


Jax is painted as an asshole, even Gooseworx confirmed that episode 2, 3, and 4 were planned before the pilot was even out, so you can't really argue that they changed his personality. He was always meant to be as an arrogant and sadistic character since the start, it's just that the fandom is too delusional to see that lol.

He acts like an asshole to Ragatha, bullies Gangle obsessively, pushed both Kinger and Zooble around, and further intensifies Pomni's manic attack when she's in the circus. He was never meant to be a character that had a reason to be evil or a reason as to why he's like this. The way I saw everything is that he was there and acted like that simply because he's an asshole. Some people are just rude for no reason besides feeling like it, not everything needs a motivation guys.


I honestly think Jax is just irredeemable character on purpose and I honestly think that needs to be something to talk about in recent years. There has been a lot of shows where redemption arcs are just hastily put together to characters that honestly didn't deserve redemption to begin with.
At least with this character, you can definitely tell that he's not going to change and according to goodeworx he is going to progressively get worse and I'm actually up for that.
Not every person who is genuinely mean to other people is just secretly hiding they're kindness.
That's not a normal trade for anyone, also in the context of the show, there's no reason to hide any kindness or positive behaviors. I understand people have different ways of coping with such realities but in this case it just kind of feels like he's just an on purpose


Jax was always portrayed as a sadistic, arrogant, jerk. That's literally his entire character. I don't understand how anyone didn't see it straight from Episode 1.


For some reason, I still like Jax, despite him being an asshole to everyone.

Also, he said when they fell into the fudge lake: "Poor Pomni?! How about poor us?! We're one tanker away from being Augustus Glooped!", meaning...he maybe remembers watching Charlie and the Chocolate factory back when he was a human?


A theory I heard was that he looked sad for a moment, because they wouldn't feel sad/hold a funeral when he abstracts.


"Do it, or I will tell ragatha about the figurine thing, " LITERALLY BEST LINE IN THE WHOLE SHOW


I do believe that Jax is acting like this because it's his own way to not loose his mind. But the fact that he gets some soft moments shows that deep inside, he can have compasion. But he doesn't want to admit it because he knows that the others would take advantage of this weakness of his.


The characters don’t feel pain. The only reason why Ragatha and Pomni felt pain in the first episode was because they were getting glitched out by coughmo


Fandom:I think Jax is actually nice Goose works:yeah nah


Jax definitely puts on a "tough guy act" because, in episode 1, you can see that he is scared, but as soon as he turns to kinger, and gangle, he goes back to a sarcastic face. Same in this episode when he's sad about kalfmos funeral, but covers it up, and goes to his room to hide himself actually caring


Gooseworks herself said that jax is genuinely a bad person, and then people see the episode and get surprised when he actually is a bad person? And no, he didn't change between episodes, its just that there wasn't that much to show so they could not make jax as mean as he is in ep 2


I don’t think Jax actually wants to hurt anyone. He wanted to play a video game and got his life taken away forever. In order to have control he is rude to everyone, treating it like the video game he asked for
