Visiting Vologda : the Soul of Russian North

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Why do I travel in Russia and why do I keep going back to the Far North? I'll answer in this video and show you around the region which is called the soul of Russia's North. Also, this trip is special because I will travel with my mom, and she will have a Q&A session with my audience about my childhood, traveling and this channel.
Time codes:
00:00 Welcome to Vologda region
01:38 The Kremlin and why Vologda didn't become a capital
04:11 Lingopie - a fun way to learn languages
05:35 Vologda local cuisine
07:57 Vologda butter and Vologda accent
08:58 Let's try the famous butter
10:19 Q&A with my mom
13:14 Orthodox heritage of Vologda region
14:34 Nature reserve 'The Russian North'
15:30 Q&A with my mom, part 2
20:05 Appreciate your family :)
📍 More videos:
Time codes:
00:00 Welcome to Vologda region
01:38 The Kremlin and why Vologda didn't become a capital
04:11 Lingopie - a fun way to learn languages
05:35 Vologda local cuisine
07:57 Vologda butter and Vologda accent
08:58 Let's try the famous butter
10:19 Q&A with my mom
13:14 Orthodox heritage of Vologda region
14:34 Nature reserve 'The Russian North'
15:30 Q&A with my mom, part 2
20:05 Appreciate your family :)
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