Why Do Christians Continue to Believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus?

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Humans are strange creatures.... They are just frightened, deluded and not ready to contemplate a Godless, impartial, uncaring Universe. Most times, the truth is too brutal to accept.


Without the virgin birth Jesus would be born with a sin nature and could not qualify to be the savior. He had to be sinless to save sinners. If he had a human father he could not be the son of God!


What about John?...
Luk 1:15  For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. 
Luk 1:41  And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

Luk_4:22  And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?
Rom 1:3  Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 

Do i have so tell you what seed is? Of course i do...
From G4687; somethng sown, that is, seed (including the male “sperm”); by implication offspring; specifically a remnant (figuratively as if kept over for planting): - issue, seed.

And of course, this comes from a man, in this case a man named Joseph


But according to the Christians Bible Jesus Christ had four Father's Abraham was his Father King David was also his Father Hashem was his Father Joseph the carpenter was also his Father. So if a child had four Father's what you can call him


I believe in the VIRGIN Birth of Christ Jesus for Prophet Isaiah mentioned "HA ALMAH" which means Young Maiden/Woman, normally a Jewish young woman below 16 years old is still 99% VIRGIN in those days considering the Jewish Custom and Tradition (strictly very conservative) with the Law of Moses regarding capital punishment of "Stone to Death" in Public, compare to our society today where sex mostly starts as early as 13 years old.... but I do not believe in the VIRGINITY after giving birth...
What is the Purpose, why will God restore Blessed Mary's Virginity after giving birth, with no significance in our Salvation???... Blessed Mary herself confessed that she KNEW (a conservative way of saying marital sex) her Husband Joseph after she gave birth to their FIRSTBORN Son, Christ Jesus in Bethlehem w/c means The House of Bread... Amen.


Artificial insemination by the Holy Spirit from God. Now what or who is the Holy Spirit?


G-Mt & G-Lk do not say Jesus was born without a human father - even born of sexless female (perpetual virgin) as claimed by Catholics. A handful verses in the two Gospels are misread, misinterpreted, misquoted, and mistranslated to fit God Jesus religion. Some wrote: 'how old Jesus was born? He was older than Mary! - Hilarious and Hellarious.


So you can grow a tree or flower seed with no soil, water or sunlight, because woman’s egg needs to be fertilize just like things in nature need things to make it grow and women’s eggs so it’s impossible for the Virgin Mary to be real


Didn't it mean a woman of pure character, not literally a virvin


it was added to scripture and there is ONLY one God. Trinity is 3. Pauline lies leads us to sin nature, thus the virgin birth was forced. Sin is breaking God's laws, Baby can not be born a sinner.


In the Hellenistic era Constantinople they had Roman Science Center's wasn't Mary enslaved and one of them from the time she was 3 years old till she was 14?


Here's what Paul believed:
Romans 1:3-4
3 Concerning His Son YHWSHA' Ha MSHYACH, Our Master, which was made of the seed of DWD according to the flesh;

4 And declared to be the Son of ALHYM with power, according to the RWCH Ha KDSH by the resurrection from the dead:



jesus was born from a virgin birth we muslims believe in that fact as we consider a miracle of god.


All Muslims believe that Jesus was born without father but you people should understand that it is the quality of God who made Jesus without father and not of Jesus himself. You are like the atheists who worship food but not its maker. Jesus is a high ranked prophet of Allah. May peace be upon him. Christians should understand that. Otherwise they will go into the hell unfortunately.


So who existed first? Adults or children?


4:09 “God the son.” I def. do not find that in the bible.


2 john 1 vs 10 if you dont believe in the doctrine that was written your not even worthy of being a slave in the kingdom


virgin birth can now be carried out in modern days (in-vitro test-tube babies). Virgin birth myth is actually about virgin conception. Jesus is claimed to have no human father. That makes him not from a seed of David; makes him not to be qualified as 'messiah' as in OT and the NT, but a Christ of Christianisms as a god-man [which looks like human but not] for the religion of God Jesus, born of perpetual while colored Mediterranean (like Italian) Mary, the queen of heaven . BTW, there was no person named 'Jesus' ever existed. The name 'Jesus' was from mid-17th c. Even KJV-1611 has his name 'Iesus'. Don't believe 'Jesus', a Christian - he is Yeshua the Nazarene shown in the Gospels.


You believe humans were slurred from apes or eggs from chickens or chickens from eggs.


I don't believe it and i am a Christian.
