How To Remove Chemicals & Pesticides On Produce

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Linda Kordich shows you the method her husband Jay Kordich has been teaching people for decades - How To Remove Chemicals and Pesticides on produce with a very simple process.

Jay Kordich is known as The Father Of Juicing. His mission is to teach, inspire and motivate each of us to consume fresh juices and raise awareness of the link between diet and health. Juicing is an easy way to introduce the proven health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables into anyone's diet.

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thank you. It's such a hassle to eat safely because the FDA is SO incompetent and untrustworthy.


You know your kitchen sink likely has more disease-causing germs than your toilet, right?


Always make sure you give your veggies a good cleaning before eating


I suggest to add spoon of tumeric powder to that which is antibacterial in nature..


I'm growing my own fruit and vegetables.


While many people point out that you can't really get rid of the pesticides (because they are absorbed through the roots during the growing process), I still don't see the harm in cleaning your produce this way before you eat it. **shrugs** That's just me, though. I always just pray over my food and know that the Lord will cleanse it, and anything that may be on/in it will not be permitted to hurt me. <3


The food industry is so wicked. This is exactly why so many people keep getting sick with types of cancer. I never new about this wax on the fruits until now. Thanks for the video.


You also have to think about what's in the water soaking into your food


And not to mention the fact that the USDA allows "natural" pesticides to be sprayed on organic vegetables/fruits which could be as dangerous as the synthetic pesticides.
Why is it most folks promoting organic forget to mention this?
Or are they just that naive?


Plants absorb nutrients from the soil. What's sprayed on the plant trickles off into the soil. There is no way to rid of these chemicals. They've become part of the plant makeup. It's basic plant biology. Washing fruits and vegetables may help rid of some exterior things such as dirt and bugs but don't think by doing that you are making your foods grown organically in any way. Pretty elementary plant biology stuff. Plus, this method is a huge waste of water.


'we are fighting the government letting all the pesticides in our crops. Most countries in the world wont and wont accept some of our products. Truly you can't get rid of all the chemicals but atleast trying will help in some degree. The lemon and salt are really not necessary because the vinegar nutralizes acids and that is what is in the pesticides. Save the salt and eat the lemon.


I bought Jay's book How To Live To Be 100 Disease-Free, but then I learned he died at 93. Does anyone have contact details for his family so I can inquire about my 7% refund?


I spoke to a farmer years ago. He told me that pesticides soak right into produce. The chemicals permeate right through. If that is true, then you can clean the surface. But that is only the tip of the iceberg


Kitchen sink .... maybe the chemicals are removed, and replaced with worse. Baking soda in clean bowl.


Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, washing produce doesn't generally remove pesticides, as it is often sprayed so early in the growing process that it becomes part of the produce. The best options we have are to shop at local farmer's markets or take a farm tour and talk to the farmer about how their food is grown!


I'm just a little confused here. I know that she cannot remove any pesticides that are inside of the produce but she says this method will remove 100% of surface pesticides! I'm not saying she's wrong I'm just totally confused on how she knows this for sure. I've never seen any study that showed me any process could remove 100% of surface pesticides


Do you have any actual scientific research proving this? I've been working on a non organic Apple orchard, and as others have said the fruit is sprayed every couple of weeks with fungicides which cannot simply be washed off... Fruit isn't allowed to be sprayed within 3 weeks of picking, so there isn't likely to be anything on the surface, the best option is to peel skins etc


Linda. Think of u hope ur doing well ur boys ....what a blessing that Jay lives on on the yoytube channel


I always warsh my produce before running the through the Juice Weasel. JUICE!


Maybe remove "surface" ones but the ones that have sinked in the fruit during growth i don't see how you can remove that.
Also removing the parts of the produce will result them in decaying/rotting much faster.
