9 water jets cutting machines

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When you think about cutting things, water is not the first tool that comes to mind. But water at extreme pressure can cut through almost anything.

Indeed, when used properly, water power may be extremely powerful. In this video, we present you water jet cutting machines that bring together the best of science, engineering, and technology to create efficient and effective cutting machines.

There’s the ICEE Water Jet, which uses an ultra-high-pressure water jet to cut through the material. It's capable of cutting any material in practically any shape or thickness, and each piece is cut with exceptional accuracy.

Up next, there's the WARDjet, which is perfect for cutting any industrial material. It's capable of cutting metal, foam, and stone.

Then, there's also the Performance Water Jet. It's a five-axis water jet equipment that can cut a turbine blade from a 10 mm thick aluminum sheet. The needle-thin cutting stream rarely necessitates any additional polishing.

Ever wanted a tiny desktop water jet? HEAD Waterjet has made one just for that. This water jet is perfect for laboratories, and while it's small, its pressure is enough to cut small samples with finesse.

Finally, the TechniWaterjet can cut synthetic stones such as Dekton, which is extremely hard to cut with traditional tools. It has the capability of cutting stones at speeds of up to 1,000 mm/min.

Have these machines piqued your interest yet? Then do not miss this video where we show you water jet cutting machines in action.

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When I was in school, physics teacher was teaching us about water falling from around 20000 ft. And he said if it fall on your head, it will make hole in your head. Everyone laughed at him but now I realised that he was right and realised the true capability of water when pressurised.


Mesin water jet cutting adalah perangkat yang menggunakan jet air bertekanan tinggi untuk memotong berbagai bahan, termasuk logam, kaca, batu, dan plastik. Berikut adalah spesifikasi umum yang biasanya terdapat pada mesin water jet cutting:

Tekanan air: Biasanya antara 30.000 hingga 90.000 psi (pounds per square inch), tergantung pada aplikasi dan kebutuhan pemotongan.

Kecepatan pemotongan: Mesin water jet cutting dapat mencapai kecepatan pemotongan yang tinggi, tergantung pada ketebalan dan jenis bahan yang dipotong.

Toleransi pemotongan: Toleransi pemotongan yang tinggi, sering kali dalam kisaran 0, 1 mm hingga 0, 5 mm, tergantung pada spesifikasi mesin dan pengaturan.

Area kerja: Area kerja mesin water jet cutting dapat bervariasi tergantung pada model, tetapi biasanya dapat mencakup area yang luas untuk pemotongan bahan dengan ukuran yang berbeda.

Software kontrol: Mesin water jet cutting dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak kontrol yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk merancang pola pemotongan dan mengatur parameter pemotongan.

Sistem penyaringan dan recirculation: Mesin water jet cutting biasanya dilengkapi dengan sistem penyaringan air untuk menjaga kualitas air dan memungkinkan penggunaan ulang air.

Keamanan: Mesin water jet cutting dilengkapi dengan fitur keamanan seperti sensor otomatis untuk mencegah cedera operator dan kerusakan mesin.

Material dukungan: Mesin water jet cutting dapat digunakan untuk memotong berbagai jenis material termasuk logam, kaca, batu, keramik, plastik, dan komposit.

Konsumsi air dan listrik: Mesin water jet cutting biasanya membutuhkan pasokan air dan listrik yang signifikan, tergantung pada pengaturan dan aplikasi.


Formally from Seattle Area.... Flow International in Kent Washington was the innovator in high pressure cutting systems. I worked for a telecommunications vendor and Flow was one of our clients. They have come a long ways since then.


Who else is here to imagine what the water pressure must’ve been like at crush depth for the people in the submersible?


I am curious about which materiel is used to support the work piece ?


So, that's how they build the Pyramids.


Which one is better laser cutter or water jets ?


We will see this in next final destination movie 🤫


I would like to know what is the best water cut cutting machine that can be used to cut through casing on the job site


I just need to know what is the best mobile water cutter that can be strapped to a well casing to remove the upper portion of the a well say that is blowing out


Do they make these in a portable version for us steel scrappers?


Elon Musk needs to incorporate this tech into his Boring Company venture.
Water in sludge out.


🙄 Amazing water cutter machines 🔥🔥🔥 💯💯💯


What's the name of the background music


So, how many of you imagined using it on your body ?


Wait a second. Did you just cut a Daytona in half?!


I would like to point it upwards to create a fountain


We use water to cut giblets in half the giblets run through a set of triple chains that are pulled over a water jet wtch is pressurized to fifty five hundred psi so a nice clean cut is performed via a water jet splitting the giblets in half dumping out the contents which are usually rocks


Could you tell us the name of some of those wonderful water jet cutting machines, and their prices please ???
