Cost of living crisis: More help needed for those on benefits

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More help is needed for people on benefits to help get them through the cost of living crisis, MPs have warned.

The work and pensions committee has published a report demanding that those on benefits should be allowed to keep more of the money they are given.

Sabah Choudhry talks to those who are struggling to make ends meet.

Traders have been hit by the cost of living crisis from all angles. Not only had food inflation hit a 40-year high, but the vehicles used to transport the goods have had their running costs sky rocket as well.

#CostOfLiving #Fuel #SkyNews

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Most people on benefits don't meet the benefits cap, and the cap doesn't apply for those with limited capacity to work/PIP. Increasing the benefits cap is not going to make much of a difference. Reducing deductions only work for who are in work. Once again, the Government/MPs are neglecting those who are benefits and cannot work/are disabled. This also doesn't help those who are on legacy benefits. There is a simple solution to this that will help everyone on benefits, regardless if they're working or not: raise all benefits inline with inflation. Problem solved. I don't want to hear excuses about "issues with the computer system". It's BS. And for those who are in work: increase wages. Another problem solved.


Taxes up
Prices up
Profits up
Wages nope
Benefits nope


Dropping the illegal anti-Russian sanction would help.


It's more than those on benefits that need help. As somebody on minimum wage, I'm sinking. And I'm sinking quicker than those on benefits, because I don't get any help from the government. People on benefits get free travel, most of them aren't paying money on that. But fuel prices for my car is insane. And I get no relief for my bills. I know people on benefits doing much better than me after all my cost outgoings.

Now I'm not saying they aren't hard up, or should get help. My point is please don't forget about the working man on the poor end.


We didn't get help during the lockdown and not getting the extra £650. Shows what they think of the disabled


more help is needed for people who are Not on benefits. we are struggling just the same thanks


She doesn't look like she's starving.


Community gardens, rooftop farms, school gardens linked to school feeding programs etc. We can no longer take food security for granted, especially lower income communities.

The majority of cost of food production is transport, storage & refridgeration, processing, warehousing, packaging, ads & marketing, salaries, store overheads. The food system is profit motivated & big BIG business!


I chose to go to part time last year and subsequently work from home typing letters for 8p per line. It's been like that for years I hear. My hubby is disabled on benefits, my son is also due to ASD. It sempt a stress free decision to do this last year but we never saw this coming. My money was the buffer, now I have to do it if I want to or not. Time spent with my son or helping out my hubby with things I promised is not happening.
I've gone from one stress to another.

We invested in a mobility scooter to keep the car off the road for short trips. We turn most electric devices off to the point I feel like I'm turning into my parents at night. OK we have become a "standby society" but we all need help. How people trapped in rush hour traffic that I used to be in coping with the cost of travelling to work. I am not close to anywhere if I wanted to find work again and therefore full time is the only alternative. But not on minimum wage either.
This economic system is totally broken on a global scale and needs looked at.


What about people who pay their way through life and get no help at all I wake up half 5 most mornings work 11hr shift hard graph all day unpaid breaks and all I hear is people on benifits this and that joke


Increase benefits cap, increase the working man’s taxes to pay for it, this country is sinking faster than the titanic


Hardships make us diligent.
How can one expect to make progress
along the path of spiritual practice
without diligence?


Lucy doesn't look like she's starving to be fair. Sorry.


People on benefits are taking home more than a lot of people who work full time so stop with the nonsense!


Benefits are not even meeting rent costs, food or living costs.. they are in lala land.. It's terrifying. I am damn lucky I have a roof over my head. Rent has just gone up in our little slum to £725 a terrace... yay...


It's not just people on benefits who are poor, what about the hardworking people a few quid over benefit cut off, same disabled people with partial works pensions, 2 or 3 quid over the limit. They probably will use double the electric, powering beds, chairs, wheelchairs, hoists through floor wheelchair lifts . The list is endless. With everything given to people on benefits they probably end up better off, than the people I have described. With 1.2 million job vacancies unfilled, they could always work full time, if its so bad on benefits. Question is: is it though.


Will the Conservatives clarify their take on loyalty - is it loyalty to the country and its people or to their masters who are not acting in the country's interests? The nastiness in the Tory leadership campaign has been one sided so far.


I challenge anyone to try living long term on benefits due to disability so unable to work; pay electric, gas, and buy food at these new inflated prices when benefits have stayed the same! Living constantly without heat (including hot water) and very very minimal diet is the current situation for those trapped on benefits; shame on society; it may be kinder to offer to put the vulnerable to permanent sleep if society has indeed lost its compassion for fellow humans to be able to live! Every human in UK should be assured of a minimum cash amount per week so a basic but healthy life is afforded.


maybe they can ask a Ukraine if they could share their bed and some food?


Join the club Lucie it ain't just single mother's, it's everyone on any type of government benefit!!! Lucie deserves more than one apple 🍎 1:47 😤
