AGT: Cayley graphs, association schemes and state transfer

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Talk by Soffía Árnadóttir.
AGT: Cayley graphs, association schemes and state transfer
Oriented Cayley Graphs
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AGT: The results of a search for small association schemes with noncyclotomic eigenvalues
Q-Polynomial Association Schemes
Algebraic Graph Theory: Finite edge-transitive Cayley graphs, quotient graphs and Frattini groups
Algebraic Graph Theory: Some results on uniform mixing on abelian Cayley graphs
Intro to Groups: Cayley Graphs
'Cayley Graphs and the Degree-diameter Problem' by Prof. Vetrik Tomas (Part. 1/4)
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Association schemes and codes I: The Delsarte linear program - Leonardo Coregliano
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Algebraic Graph Theory: Some open problems related to eigenvalues of graphs
Fractional revival and generalizations
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William J. Martin: Cometric association schemes and scaffolds I
Aida Abiad, Neumaier graphs with few eigenvalues
Algebraic Graph Theory: A covering graph perspective on Huang’s theorem