Southern Little Layer Cake (10 Layers)

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OMG!!! I COULD KISS YOU. My mama ALWAYS talks about a cake her mama and grandma used to make, that had a ton of little white layers and chocolate icing that you pour that got crackly on top when it dried. She hasn't had this since she was a little girl! I'M SURPRISING HER ON CHRISTMAS. You don't even know the memories that you are about to help me bring to my mama!!! I am so excited. THANK YOU SO MUCH.


This recipe reminds me of my Hometown grocery store… they sold 7 layers cakes and I mean it was delicious. And looking at your cake, It has to be 10 times better then the grocery stores. Thumbs up my sister.


I was just asked to make a 7 or 10 layer cake. I didn’t know what the ham sandwich she was talking about. Monique, you’ve come through for me again. Thank you 🙏🏾!!!


This is my jam. SOOO happy I found this. My family and relatives would by maybe 10-20 of these every year around the holidays. I recall stealing the key to our freezer to ear my Mom's saved cake cause it was so good. Can't express how happy I am to see this recipe.


Hi! I've used this recipe several times, and my husband requested one for his birthday. This time I made a few very minor tweaks, and it was absolutely perfect!
1. I subbed 1/4 cup of the ap flour for 1/4 c cornstarch.
2.Strain the batter through a sieve, this is not a cake that tolerates lumps very well.
3. I used 3/4 cup per layer and got 12 layers.
4. For the frosting, I set my induction cooktop to 179 and followed the same method as you, but added 1/8 cup of freshly made espresso and 1/4 cup corn syrup. I use this trick when making caramel, it prevents the sugar from crystallizing. Then I blitzed everything with my stick blender to get the cocoa powder o fully incorporate. And then turn it off and let it cool down until it was just warm. I didn't take it o soft ball stage. It absorbed in the cake so much better, no crystalizing, and there was a lot less waste.
5. Use one of those acrylic sheets they use ta make tall cakes to keep the cake from sliding all over the place.
6. On some of the cakes, I tried to put the batter thicker around the edges, so the middle doesn't dome.
Thank you for this, it's an amazing cake!


What a gorgeous cake, and wow I can't believe I never thought of using disposable cake pans. So convenient!


Aww, so glad your back! And girl your personality shines no matter your voice! But glad your feeling better ❤🤗❤🤗


My favorite cake, Southern tradition was one added a layer for each year of their child, many of us grew up with this very special cake, you did a great job...I still make this cake for my daughter, had to stop at 12 layers, however🤣🤣🤣Couldn’t put a cake lid over it but she still want her cake every birthday...❤️


This one is really special. One little tip. You can mix the cocoa with a little of the sugar ahead of time and it breaks down the lumps and makes it mix easier. But it turned out so nice anyway maybe that isn't necessary. Your videos are always a joy even if we can't taste your wonderful creations until we do it ourselves.


OMG that mixer though. It's the perfect color. This looks bomb. I've started to distrust recipes found online, but all of yours I've tried have come out perfect and remind me of home (the funnel cake recipe is better than my families that run a funnel cake truck... do not tell them).


No buttermilk? Okay where's the real Monique? And what'd you do with her? And you didn't do the British accent when you said "unsweetened cocoa powder" Monique I'm coming to save you!


GF, I make tons of these for our church fund -raiser each year and at Christmas and sell them to friends all during the year. I get so many orders for them, I can't make enough to keep up the demand. I do use Buttermilk in mine, that's the only exception. .Girl, you got this!


So glad you're back and feeling better. I've seen a 7 layer but a 10 layer cake is like OLYMPIC GOLD territory😊


You are awesome. The women in your family raise you right ❣


7 layer chocolate cake oh yes .. My grandmother from Tennessee made this all the time a true southern staple


I don’t even watch the video before immediately hitting the like button. You can just depend on Monique to be awesome.


Girl, stop it. I so needed this receipe. My sister loves this cake and I wanted to bake for her, but looked so difficult. THEN, THERE YOU WERE WITH THIS RECEIPE. Thank you, Thank you, for making this recipe . You are my new SHERO.


I've made this cake every Christmas for years up until a couple of years ago. It's time consuming but oh so worth it and always a hit in our family. Thanks for sharing. I may just have to make one this year.


You had me at “so therapeutic.” I will have a therapy session creating this at some ideal time in the future ❤. These have always intimidated me but you are giving me a big dose of courage up in here. TY & God Bless


OMG!!!! I haven’t had a cake like this since I was a kid!! And I always knew it was something about the frosting.... NEVER KNEW U PUT IT IN MELTED!!! Mannnn 🤤🤤🤤🤤
