9 Ways to MANIPULATE a Man..and how to not go wrong doing it

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"Value is given to those who give themselves value" THAT PART!


“Understand him more than you love him” and “he needs to just love the hell out of you and not understand you much” rings so close to the old saying “the man needs to love the woman more”. And for some reason to me it sounds a lot like settling.. it’s hard to come to terms with such a reality.


i like that you encourage women to be the best versions of themselves instead of using manipulation and deceit to “attract” a man like so many influencers i see. my husband and i watch those types of videos for entertainment because it’s pure delusion. men see through the desperate and inauthentic tactics but some will play dumb to get what they want (ie sex). it was interesting to watch you break down common tactics that are promoted to women to manipulate men and discuss why they may have some merit but also why they often times backfire. i wish everyone peace and it’s my belief that something you obtain through deceit is not going to last or be in your best interest . the universal law is balance.


Could you do a video on regret and forgiving yourself please?


Real intimacy is made on honesty not manipulation.


I just wanted to let Margarita know that I've recently discovered these videos (like the anxious attachment and detachment ones) and it's helped make me so much more self-aware. I've fallen (I think) for a guy who doesn't seem to show a lot of interest (at least through text), and navigating it through these videos has been life-saving.


If you’re reading this I pray you receive the highest form of love. You deserve the best.💗🙏🏼


can't go wrong with a petite body, long hair, a clear complexion, & pretty mani/pedi. That alone will get you almost anything you want.


again, extremely helpful advices! straight to the point, valid, non-biased, and not abusing the feminine qualities. Toxic femininity always bring consequences later on.


Being the best version of you is truly the greatest thing you can do for the world - your partner, your children, your business partners. Really, there is no excuse not to work on it. Thanks for the great video Margarita.


Wow this is such an insight for me that women amongst themselves praise those who are work horses, the ladies who can do it all. But men actually don’t care in the same way so if you are being a work horse just to impress a man you won’t get that recognition you may be looking for. Thanks for this golden nugget ❤


I’m in my mid 50’s is a number I know . I’ve read books on attachment and listened to podcasts, audible on all things relationships, speakers like Lewis Howes, Lisa Biyelu, diary of a ceo, and you ! Love your words, your authenticity, down to earth, direct and loving way you are . I’m gaining wisdom and clarity listening . Many blessings to you and your family 💕


obsessed with your videos. this is true feminine power!! LIVING FOR THIS!!


The last one hit me. I always say I’m leaving in every argument 😢 learning now.


authenticity is the currency of high value elite individuals who you want to be with


This was helpful as I'm in the initial stages of a new relationship. Knowing how I made mistakes in earlier relationships and how can I avoid doing the same thing all over again is actually lovely. Thank you so much❤


as a man who veers between anxious and avoidant the hot and cold thing really works on me. i watched this bc i’m trying to learn more about myself and my current situationship bc she is avoidant and this was very helpful.


This piqued my curiosity because I was manipulated by my ex for years, subtly and I cannot understand why anyone wants to trick someone into a faux feeling of love. This has been educational. I want the man to be masculine and able and I want to be strong and feminine as a woman, attracting a strong, masculine man.


Watching your videos and hearing you say how women react to men and their behaviour just makes me realise how different my upbringing was from everyone else's. I grew up in an abusive family where I had to supress all about my personality, needs, emotions... and now it is impacting so negatively in my life and my relationships that any kind of demand I make to my partner I feel like I am not entitled to ask for it (even if it is just pick me up at home or hold my bag for a minute). I feel like I am demanding and overreacting and that makes my partner feel entitled to say demand more and more from me and not "bother" him with anything


Margarita, I first came across your videos when I was searching for anxious avoidant attachments but ended up listening to every YouTube video and podcast you’ve put out. Your advice has singlehandedly transformed my relationship and friendships and made me more discerning about what I was letting into my life. So thank you for that!
