Rubio Pushes to Defund ObamaCare After President's Jacksonville Speech

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You have it wrong on Obamacare. My wife and I for one plan to sign up for Obamacare as soon as it becomes available here in Florida. If it's good enough for us ministers and social entrepreneurs, it should be good enough for the nation. It is also going to save hospitals, smal business, and the taxpayers a lot of money by getting people out of the hyper-expensive Emergency Rooms and into the mainstream of healthcare.


As an individual, you have a tragic story and I'm sorry, but as a whole, it will be a disaster. I'm also in the healthcare, you don't have a corner on the market because of ur experience. Health Insurance does need reform, but not like this...the problem gets confusing to the masses when discussing care vs. Insurance. Because of huge massive cuts to Medicare reimbursements, hospitals and CARE will suffer...oh, and people will and are losing their jobs because of these cuts.


If not for the help of my husband's parents who have been helping us with our bills when my unemployment also ended on 11/2012 when we lost our COBRA (which they were paying for us @$1k per month for 18 months, because my husband needed it), we would have lost our home, our vehicles, and everything we own being forced into bankruptcy. We are in our 30's, they are retired and shouldn't have to help us because your party has made our Congress dysfunctional. You don't care about people.


Due to complications from a surgery to remove cure my husband of a deadly disease, Ulcerative Colitis, due to malpractice, he ended up in the ICU and almost died of septic shock. He had 12 surgeries over 3 weeks. He then had to have 2 more surgeries a year after his ICU stay. This cost me my job where I made $60, 000 per year, and the insurance that was paying for his care in 6/2011. We had COBRA until 11/2012. Now we have $4k+ in monthly bills, making $29k + $2k per mo for our prescriptions.


I am against ObamaCare in every aspect. If you, our congressmen and women, along with the senators had taken the TIME and read what was in it, you would have known and likely we would not be having this ridiculous discussion. You want a government owned healthcare system, fine, then every man and woman in the government gets the same crappy healthcare include


If the repeubicans do not defund obama care, I say to hell with them. This is their chance and it may be the last chance we have to end this tyranny. If the repeubicans refuse to defund obama care, I'm finished with them. Look for me in the Libertarian party.


If Marco, Rand, Ted, and Mike don't get to defund obamacare, start thinking about creating a new party. Start rallies for 2014 with the four of y'all. Be the leaders. Make a 50 state bus tour. The presidents campaigning, why can't our REAL leaders do it?


Defund Obamacare! Please help me! I work part time, no health care, will be forced to buy it and I don't even get full time!! Unconstitutional to tell me I have to buy it!!


I'm 29 years old, I'm against it. Stop it. Stop spending our money trying to sell it to everyone too. flying from town to town, day after day.


The tax code does NOT need reforming. It has to be be REPLACED. Senator Rubio, please explain why you no longer support the The Fair Tax.


@Ron...sorry, you're wrong. Initial cost: $900 billion...revised CURRENT cost: 2.7 trillion, but I guess that doesnt bother you.


you dreaming? Mark my care will destroy job creating.


Stand your ground. We need to defundobamacare! Thank you.
