Does This New Mini Silent Miner Earn $100+ PER DAY?! Really though?

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⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 This tiny ASIC is making $100s a day?!
00:59 What is the Goldshell AL-Box?
04:37 Goldshell AL-Box initial setup
06:27 How to get an ALPH wallet?
07:05 Where to buy ALPH
07:37 Mining profitability of the AL-Box
09:25 How much does the AL-Box cost?
11:00 ALPH FPGA vs ASIC mining
13:17 AL-Box supply controversy!
15:30 Is the AL-Box miner worth it?
17:00 VoskCoin AL-Box review

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Crazy price. In the 1900's California Gold Rush the merchants got rich selling picks and shovels. They were the ones that got rich off miners.


$100/day today. By the time of delivery .50 cents.


As of 28 April 2024 it's earning $53 per day week same-day it was earning $100 per day to crypto mining


You cant buy a miner fast enough to make a profit..By the time you get it you are making $1 a day if you're lucky..These mining companies love playing the consumer..


Current earnings, today's date of U$49.00 (not U$100.00) have dropped a lot and the tendency to increase the difficulty depending on the downward movement of the currency... and I think the manufacturer and resellers are all crazy at the level of price of this homemade miner.


When I first started watching this video I thought those box miners would be priced about $500 to $1k and was itching to go get me some possibly great returns... Then I heard the "real" prices and the back story. I used to think Goldshell was a company that might be a good one as it seems to build a lot of smaller miners that appeal to smaller mum and dad operators like myself. After this I will avoid them like the plague. It seems they are as bad as Bitmain if not worse. Thanks for the video Vosk team. Another great job.


how much does it cost and whats the energy/electricity costs? essentially how long to mine BTC until ROI?


3 months later, this thing is returning about $10.00 a day. They cost $1250 +/-. With electricity at .115 per kWh, that's apparently .60 per day. Is this still accurate? How often do you have to repair/replace these?

10/day/365 days = $3650 annually - 219 for electricity = $3431 annually.

Looks to me like a 274.48% annual rate of return. I know nothing about this business, other than to say that that sounds absolutely insanely good. What am I missing here? Be gentle.


Good presentation Vosk . I am a new Subscriber and your vids definitely give me so much to think about. Really interested in mining one day very soon. Just an avg poor guy looking to mine some coin lol


- the box its in you can get the plans of DW order parts from ali and build this exact miner x10 for the same price this 1 is selling for


from 100+$ days now is 40 - 60 $ days and going down every days


They have more batches coming. I still want one, but not at current prices. I will wait. ALPH never had the hashrate to support these right out the gate. So it was easy to figure yield was gojng to drop off a cliff. I just hate how they try and take advantage of gaps to price it. Sadly, they get takers which will have them continue the game. Good video though, I was curious about it.


I've been watch a lot of mining videos and was curious on if we could make our own crypto miners? Would that be cheaper to just buy and price together your own then buying a pre built? I haven't done any research so I'm js uneducated


I DO NOT own a desktop. An iPad/iPhone/laptop. What project “wifi@ beta should I get in early on? I missed bee hive I don’t have car. I’m buying a Geodnet. I bought a pebble. I’m thinking of the space station one.. but beta I’m interested in to make that big money on Mainnet day!


Why not save bills by attaching 20W TEG module arrays to via heat exchange to convert excess heat into DC power, store it in super caps, and feed it back to the mining rig?


Will my new garage disposal work to mine bitcoin


I could see using it as a heater on the side if you're stealth camping in the winter .


Gotta hodl those coins if you’re going to break-even on it. (Probably)


You might as well just purchase the actual coin by the time you purchase the miner, and not waste all the power


Should put one or a few of the miners in the submerged setup and see if they are more profitable when not getting as hot.
