Oracle WebLogic Server 14c ( Complete Installation with Examples - wl_server domain

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In this video we are going to see how to install oracle weblogic server 14c with examples on Windows 10 using Oracle JDK 11 from Generic Installer.
Three Weblogic domains (Medrec, Medrec-Spring and wl-server domains) containing sample Applications will be installed.
This video contains three parts. First we see Medrec and next Medrec-Spring and last wl-server domain (this video) respectively.
Avitek Medrec Application and other sample applications uses Apache Derby database which will be running on port 1527.
Apache Derby is available by default along with Weblogic 14c Software.
Important Note: At a time only one sample domain can be started, as all domains are configured to run on port 7001.
If you are an expert you can change the Admin Ports and start parallely all the domains.

We can download the Weblogic Server 14c from the below link..

and latest Oracle JDK 11 can be downloaded from

Sample Applications
The sample applications that can optionally be installed with WebLogic Server have
been updated for Java EE 8, as described in the following sections:
• Avitek Medical Records — MedRec
• New Java EE 8 Examples
Avitek Medical Records — MedRec
Avitek Medical Records (or "MedRec") is a comprehensive educational sample
application that demonstrates WebLogic Server and Java EE features, as well as best
In Oracle WebLogic Server 14c (, MedRec has been upgraded to
demonstrate the following Java EE 8 features:
• JSF 2.3
• Injection of JSF Artifacts
• JSF Validation
• Bean Validation 2.0
• Servlet 4.0
• Other features, such as Optional, Stream API, and new APIs for date and time
For more information, see Avitek Medical Records.
New Java EE 8 Examples
New code examples have been added to show the following Java EE 8 features:
• CDI 2.0—Asynchronous events, observer ordering, and InterceptionFactory.
• JavaServer Faces 2.3—Direct support for WebSockets, class-level bean
validation, the CDI-compatible @ManagedProperty annotation feature, and the new
Java EE 8 date and time.
• Java Persistence 2.2—Injection in @AttributeConverter annotations, Java EE 8
date and time API, and retrieving the results of Query and TypedQuery as streams.
• Java EE Security API 1.0—Configuring a DatabaseIdentityStore to point at a
back-end database and then using it as an IdentityStore. • JAX-RS 2.1—New Server-Sent Events (SSE) and the Reactive Client API.
• JSON Binding 1.0—Using the Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B) with JAX-RS.
• JSON Processing 1.1—Using JSON Patch, JSON Merge Patch, and JSON
Pointer to update a JSON document.
• Servlet 4.0—Servlet Mapping API, HTTP/2 server push, and HTTP trailer headers.
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I have this error I already install with admin user, any sugestions?
