7 reasons to stay single

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I have an immense desire to be married, but sometimes is just so hard, it feels like I'm never gonna be good enough and it's so hard


Being single comes with alot of freedom


“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added into you.” Matthew 6:33.


1. You have little direction
2. You're not emotionally ready
3. You're not financially ready
4. You have an addiction
5. You're not spiritually ready
6. You have no desire to be in a relationship
7. There are no quality options around you


Yeah these are basically the reasons why I’m still single… People have been tempting me to date and telling me I should get my hands dirty, but I know I’m not ready and I don’t want to date until I’m ready. This video was really reassuring for me, thanks for encouraging me and confirming what I already knew to be true in my heart.


Man this touched on everything I was thinking and going through.


Thankfully God has removed all my unhealthy addictions. However at 60 my financial situation is not great. I am not in debt, but am finding it harder to earn money. So I don’t fancy my chances. I will be considered to have low market value, regardless of my walk with Jesus and my level of Godliness. Money always talks.


We’ve got to be honest about whether or not we’re really ready to be blessed with a godly woman who would make a godly wife. What are you struggling with? Do you have idols? How’s your prayer life? Do you read The Word? How do you view women? This is something we ALL need to do. Just a spiritual audit on ourselves.


Even though I’m lonely I’m so glad I’m single and don’t have anyone to take care of except my younger brother with special needs and my elderly parents


I don’t need to provide for anyone except my elderly parents and my younger brother with special needs. I don’t care about anyone else but I like to help other people who are also going through a difficult situation


Amen, thanks for sharing this video brother. May the Lord bless your family! 🤍🔥


Bro, this is so good! Definitely ministering to me.


Being single, living alone, ideally with a dog, is the way to go.

1. If you want company, let the most obsessed girl see you 2-3 nights a week. Then you’re alone + working.

2. Your life become peaceful, quiet and efficient.


4. Can set your home up how you want it. Your errands, your routine, your stuff.

5. Your edifice becomes your safe, tranquil space. You look forward to coming home every day. You feel hidden, guarded, protected.
Trust me. It’s amazing.


Its interesting because where in scripture does it say you have to be such and such in order to be ready for marriage( aside from character traits). For example the financial readiness can be an idol. Its wise to manage money but things can change and who should you be trusting to provide? If you are a believer isnt it God. So be careful not be reIying on your ability to be financial secure because money comes and it goes things happen to make you not 'financially secure'.


There is one more reason: See 1 Corinthians 7:32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.


"not putting the burden of supporting the family on her as well" lmao, bro this is 2024 where its like selling a kidney for groceires. If thats your thought process and your plan, thats great and all, but dont have children. I make 50k a year (probly the national average) with no debt and a paid off house, and BOTH of us still need to work fulltime to support our family of four. Maybe a one income household would work if the man made 100k a year.


It was my dream to find a nice girl, get married someday and have kids but, it never happened, the relationships that I have been in where nothing but toxic, they used me, they took advantage of me, they cheated on me so I totally have given up on dating, I rather just be alone than get hurt over and over again


I think their past (and your past by extension) does matter if they are still in it or controlled be it. But if they have overcome their past it points to a brighter future as they can endure struggles.


What he says here is absolutely the truth. I am speaking as a woman who is now divorced. My ex husband used p*rn prior to being with me, prior to marriage. I did not know he was doing it behind my back in our marriage. He kept A LOT from me. I didn't find out til years later it was never really just him and me in the marriage. It later led to an extremely hard heart -- he started to hate me, withhold sex and affection, then started workplace emotional affairs. I fought to keep our family together, but he just didn't want to do things God's way.

If you have a lust problem, a wandering eye problem, insecurity issues, trouble committing, you do not need to be in a relationship until you get yourself right with God first and get all these issues worked out because no other person will ever be enough for you.


I'm a woman, but I do relate in some way. Thanks for the video! God bless!
